Look at Me- Part 66

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Look at Me- Part 66

As we head inside I whisper to Mike "Your Dad really

enjoys Celia I think." Mike then nods back in agreement.

We get inside and I find it is a quaint, cute little home.

"Gosh I love your home," I say. "It has so much charm!"

I add. "Aw thanks!" says Mike's Mom Karen. Karen leads

us into the kitchen. "You guys must be hungry I'll start

making dinner," says Mama Karen. I go over to help

Karen cook and Mike helps Celia onto the chair next to him

since they are high up. Then Jim comes in with our bags.

"I'm just going to put these in your rooms," says Jim. While

cooking Mike's Mom and I start up a conversation. Truthfully

I'm suprised how much she knows about me. Turns out that

Mike had been telling his Mom about me before we were even

dating. The best part is when his Mom told me I looked over at

him and he was blushing☺. Though he was embarrassed I was

relieved because I did the same thing. All of a sudden Mike's Dad

comes downstairs. "Karen I was just in our room and our window

is open," says Mike's Dad. "I didn't open it," says Mike's Mom. "Neither

did I," says Mike's Dad. "Then who did?" asks Mike's Mom.

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