Look at Me- Part 16

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Look at Me- Part 16

"GUARD!!!" I scream.

"Whoa whoa WHOA! Calm down there Carrie. It's just me," says Mike.

"Sorry Mike it's just the single mother in me, I'm always on my guard," I say clearly embarrassed.

"Come with me," he says.

He leads us into what would be the girls locker room if they were playing. Then he walks over to a section of lockers.

"Carrie open locker #12 and Celia open locker #13," says Mike.

Celia looks at me as if asking for permission when she sees my skeptical look on my face and I nod with approval.

She opens hers first and squeals. When
I open mine I realized what she squealed at and I wanted to too.

"OMG!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!," says Celia
running over to Mike to give him a hug.

"What do you think Carrie?" asks Mike.

"I love it," I say.

In my hand is a jersey that says Fisher Friend on it. I'm shocked when I have the thought "I want to be more than just friends" why would I ever have that thought? No guy like him would want
a kid that isn't his. Would he...?

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