Look at Me- Part 45

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Look at Me- Part 45

The doctor heads into Carrie's room and tells her

everything. "You thought I had cancer," I yell.

"Unfortunately yes, I did, but all the test results

show you don't have it so that's good," says the

Doctor. He explains the new concerns and takes

some tests. The staff is again going through the

test results. "Hmmmm...this is interesting doesn't

this look like..." says the doctor to the nurse. "It

does," agrees the nurse. "Take a couple more

tests to determine if it is true," the Doctor tells the

nurse. Soon the nurse brings the test results back

to the Doctor. "My suspicions were correct," states

the Doctor. "Time to tell Miss. Underwood," he says.

The Doctor heads into Carrie's room. "Miss. Underwood

we have some news for you," says the Doctor. "We finally

figured out the mystery the test results came back and

you have..." starts the Doctor.

Look at MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora