Look at Me- Part 47

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Look at Me- Part 47

Mike still kneeling by my bed releases one hand off

of mine and let's the other one still hold my hand. He

then is fishing around for something in his pockets.

Looking relieved to finally have found what he was

looking for he pulls out... "Mike...no...please don't..."

I start to say. "Before you say anything just hear me out,"

says Mike. "What I am holding in my hand right now is

the ticket to the rest of my life. Just hearing that you got

into a car crash was enough to make my whole world come

crashing down and realize just how much more I love than

I originally thought. For over a month I have been carrying

this around with me trying to decide when would be the right

time and now is better than ever and we're even having a

baby. Now I hope you don't think that is the only reason I

want to marry you. I want to marry you for so many reasons

Carrie and a big one is being a Dad to Celia one she has

never had. I literally can't imagine my life without you because

we have literally been through SO much together and if we can

get through all of that I'm pretty sure we can get through everything

else. To tell you the truth I have been looking for a perfect ring since

the first time we had a genuine conversation, so Carrie Marie Underwood

would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

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