Look at Me- Part 61

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Look at Me- Part 61

"Actually we think your babies are a type of conjoined

twins called Thoracopagus," says the Doctor. "Which

is when they are conjoined at the heart," explains the

Doctor. "My babies," starts Carrie crying. "This can't be

happening. I want my babies to have a good life; I want

them to be healthy," continues Carrie still crying. "Carrie

look at me, everything will be okay," says Mike. " But what

if its NOT. THEN WHAT MIKE?" says Carrie. "Care whatever

happens it is meant to be, remember let Jesus Take the Wheel,"

advises Mike. "Yeah well it's easier to sing that advice than

actually take it especially in this situation. Plus how and when

am I supposed to tell my fans? It's just all too much to take Mike,"

I say and suddenly the world goes dark...

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