Look at Me- Part 14

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Look at Me- Part 14

"Watching me at a game?" finishes Mike.

"Yes, yes, yes!!!!!" pleads Celia. "Please Mommy, please," continues Celia overhearing our conversation.

"Sure we would be happy to!" I tell Mike. He tells me the day and the time and we play hockey for a little while until it is time to go. He drives us home (he's such a gentleman since I can drive now because I found a pair of spare contacts I didn't know about in my travel bag, but he insists on driving us home).

Soon it is the day of the game. My alarm clock rings and I get up instantly. The first thought that runs through my mind is what am I going to wear? The second thought is why do I care so much about what I look like? Even though I don't understand my thoughts I just come to terms with the thought that I care what I look like. I decide to go with the sporty, but comfortable look that I find so cute, so I throw on my jersey Mike gave me, some jeans,

and my navy blue toms.

Oddly enough once Celia and I are ready I start to get nervous even though I have no good reason to be. As we're about to leave I take my phone out of my purse and there's a message and its from Mike...

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