The Chaos Flat

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     Libra's pov

Saturday had never been so extremely long. I'd always thought that if we were to move, it would be super fun, like driving around town with pumping music, getting to design my own room with cool new stuff and of course, having my parents still together. Well, none of this came true.

We drove for almost three hours to find our new flat, which was supposed to be "right around the corner". No one spoke, but I guess it was hard since we had just said our goodbyes to mum. She wasn't crying, but I don't think she was sad anyway. She seemed relieved, more likely, almost happy. It shocked me to see this was caused by her leaving dad, but well, that's what divorces are, hm?

Taurus seemed to stay grumpy forever, and Sag only switched looks with me once in the hour. Dad didn't talk, except for when he started calling the moving company again.

The car stopped with a shock, and I shook my head to get out of my thoughts. 'So, are we there?' I asked, but after a glance from Taurus and a look outside, I realized how this could impossibly be our new home. The flat in front of the car – or at least, the part I could see, since I sat in the back next to Sagittarius – was obviously an old wreck. It had a big red door which seemed to be broken, judging by the look of it, and the windows on the first floors – indeed, that's plural – were all covered with wood, carton or paper and something that looked like plastic or tape.

I pressed my cheek to the window to try to get another impression, but it only got worse. There was a small field of grass next to the side of the flat, but it was covered in garbage and, if I was correctly, lots of stone. Next to a pile of this, lay a few broken chairs, some boxes and plastic bags.

To probably everyone's surprise, my dad opened the car door and stepped outside, walking around for a bit as he studied the flat. 'Should we... follow him?' Sag's voice said, but I had no idea, so I shrugged it off. Taurus on the other hand, groaned and turned around in his front seat. 'Of course not, idiot. Dad's just looking for a toilet, or someplace to eat. Although, no matter how much I'd like to have a sandwich right now, I'm definitely not eating anything he brings back.'

He turned back to the big car window and folded his arms. Sagittarius didn't seem to be satisfied with this answer, though. He grabbed my arm to pull me to him, and he softly asked: 'Libra, please tell me this isn't the place mum was talking about?'

I shook my head again, though I couldn't be sure either. 'Let's just... wait, alright?' I told him and leaned back in my seat. Sag let go of my arm and followed my actions.

'Right. Just wait. I can do that.' He closed his eyes, like mum had done on a few days ago. Seconds later, he mumbled: 'I miss mum.' He sighed, and turned over to the window on his side of the car.

I watched him for only a moment, then I turned fully around, to the window in the back of the car. It looked like the street we were in was a very small one, and it didn't have any other houses. It's only purpose was to lead up to the flat, and I started to think Taurus had the wrong end in this.

This was confirmed when I noticed some other cars, not far from our own car. It were only two cars, but still. This had to mean there were people here, and since the other side of the flat was cut off by a lot of trees, I didn't think there was anything else here.

With my brothers eyes on my back, I opened the car door and stepped outside. First thing I noticed was the warmth, assuring me the trees didn't have air-conditioning, like our car. It reminded me of the summer and I thought of how I had imagined this so much better. We'd take a road trip throughout all of Europe, or maybe rent a boat, or something. It would certainly have been a lot better than this.

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