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"We don't have much time before the debut."

Eun Yung crossed her legs, and looked pointedly at Young Mi, who was digging through a bag of chips, "I think you should be careful with what you're eating."

"Right," Young Mi glanced mournfully at her chips, before throwing the rest in the trash.

"If the teachers saw you, you would get a scolding," Chae Hyun warned.

"And that's not all. All the teachers also have high hopes for our debut," Stephanie continued, "so we have to practice hard these last 3 weeks to make it count."

"Have member introductions started?" I asked, glancing up from scrolling through Facebook.

"I think it'll be different this time, our debut will come as a complete surprise. No warnings whatsoever. We'll just be performing at Music Bank," Stephanie replied.

"Any other groups that we'll be competing against?" Chae Hyun questioned.

"No major groups, no," Eun Yung answered, shaking her head, "SM wouldn't make a mistake like that. They planned this out way more carefully than we probably thought they would."

"Of course, we're in SM. The groups that they debut are legendary," Young Mi sighed wistfully.

"Then we'll just have to work hard to join those legends," Stephanie playfully countered, "and we've been practicing nonstop recently, so I think we'll be able to do it."

"There's a lot of pressure on us, eh?" I muttered.

"Yeah..." Young Mi quietly agreed, "but...we'll be able to pull through.



"Uno!" Young Mi screamed, throwing down her second-last card. The rest of us groaned.

"Aish, this is the fourth time you're going to win," Chae Hyun scowled.

"Sorry I'm so good," Young Mi playfully flipped her hair.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I glanced at the caller ID, and immediately frowned. Lay?

"Who is it?" Stephanie asked, the first to notice my expression.

"Be right back," I avoided her question, quickly getting up and heading to the kitchen, "Lay?"

"Holly-ssi," Lay greeted me, "there's something I wanted to talk to you about, if you have time?"

"Sure," I agreed, "are you free now?"

"Yep, I am. I'll meet you at the front of this building?"

"Um...." I bit my lip, fighting back a laugh, "why can't we just meet each other outside our dorm doors? We live right beside each do remember, right?"

"Ahhh," I could almost imagine Lay's sheepish expression, "sorry, I forgot. Alright, I'll hang up now."

I put my phone bag in my pocket, and walked over to where the girls were still playing cards, "hey guys, I have to go out for a while alright?"

"Mmmm alright," all of them replied.

"Be careful!" Eun Yung added, and I gave her a reassuring smile before heading out of the dorm. Lay was already standing in front of my door, and he gave a slight bow as he saw me.

"So where do you want to go to talk?" I asked.

"Anywhere is fine," Lay shrugged, "it's nothing that secretive..."

"Alright," I agreed, and a silence descended over us. I awkwardly glanced over at him, " you want to start talking now?"

"Ah, yes!" Lay exclaimed, "well, you know that I share a room with Chen right?"

Do You Remember? (EXO Chen)Where stories live. Discover now