What to Do?!

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Love is only as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.

I instantly averted my eyes, and let out an awkward cough. I turned back around in hopes that Michael would say something...but of course he was already nowhere to be seen.

"Sorry," both of us blurted out. We instantly looked at each other in surprise and started laughing.

"I'm sorry that I was um...avoiding you," I mumbled.

"No, it was my fault for not saying anything and making you think that I hated you," Chen protested back.

I smiled, and took a deep breath, "look, I didn't mean to...do what I did. So can we just forget about it, and well...not have to avoid each other anymore?"

"I would like that," Chen nodded approvingly.

I smiled, and gave him a quick hug. Though I had done it with pure intentions of signifying the start of our friendship, I found myself holding on for a few seconds longer than necessary.

As I pulled away and gave him a bright smile, my heart was racing unexplainably.

"Why're you here so late?" I wondered out loud.

"Probably for the same reason why you're here," he offered me a playful smile.

No, don't do these things to me. Because then I wouldn't be able to control my feelings anymore.

"I've been training for 5 months now," I shuffled my feet awkwardly, "I don't know if I'll ever be assigned to a group or debut as a solo so...I rationalized that it wouldn't hurt to practice more."

"Probably group," Chen looked at me apprehensively, "you seem like the type who would get rather sad and lonely as a solo artist."

"That's true," I laughed, rubbing my neck embarrassingly, "I like company."

"Are you gonna go back to your dorm soon?" he asked, directing my way towards the elevator again.

"I probably should, yes," I agreed, "but I don't wanna sleep now."

"Don't want to sleep?" Chen echoed, amused, "then what do you want to do at 2 in the morning?"

"I was going to go on a walk...enjoy the night scenery in Seoul," I shrugged.

"Want to go somewhere cooler?" his eyes glittered with childish excitement.


"Follow me," we headed into the elevator, and he pressed the highest floor. As we went up, a thought popped into my mind.

"Are all those things in dramas actually true? Are you actually allowed to freely go on the rooftop?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course," he replied, surprised, "did you not know?"

"No!" I exclaimed in disappointment, "or else I would've went way sooner."

"Well, now you get to go for the first time with me!" Chen winked at me, "you should feel honored."

Don't smile at me. Don't wink at me. What are you trying to do here, Kim Jongdae?

We arrived at the rooftop, and I couldn't help but let out a small "wow" as I took in the beautiful garden. There were two vintage benches that were placed by a mini-sidewalk, facing two flower patches. It looked like the garden had just recently been watered, as the grass was still damp as we headed over to the bench.

"This place is amazing," I breathed out, "I would come here everyday if I could."

"Most people don't appreciate this type of natural beauty, for some reason," Chen shrugged, "a lot of people come to South Korea for shopping, or at most to go to some kpop concerts. I guess with all the heavy pollution, our nature isn't anything to brag about."

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