First Date?!

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I sat down on the couch, but stood back up again after a few seconds. Resisting the urge to pace back and forth, I sat down once again, and looked at the door anxiously.

Sophia waltzed in at that moment, looking fabulous in her Harry Potter pajamas. She did a double-take when she saw me, and instantly ran up.

"Ya, Holly, what are you wearing?" she asked, looking at my dress approvingly, "when did you get such a nice dress?"

I glanced self-consciously at my dress and tugged the black bow, "is this too much?"

"Too much? For what? Where are you going today?" Sophia fired questions at me. A mischievous smile appeared on her face, "did you already find a boyfriend among one of the trainees? I haven't seen any cute ones, though....."

"Sophia!" I protested, blushing slightly, "I'm not that type of person!"

Suddenly, a knock at the door made both of us stare at it - Sophia in curiosity, me in horror.

Before I could stop her, Sophia skipped to the door with a smug smile on her face. She opened it, and widened her eyes in surprise when she saw Chen standing there casually, yet looking as perfect as always in a simple t-shirt and black jeans.

"How did you get a date with him?" Sophia mouthed the question to me, as I hurriedly stood up and walked to the door.

Chen smiled when he saw me, "you're pretty in that dress."

"That's not nice," Sophia scowled, before I could say thanks, "does that mean she's not pretty without that dress?"

"No," Chen replied, still staring at me, "she's pretty in everything she wears."

I blushed and looked at the floor, while Sophia let out a little squeal beside me, and pushed me out of the dorm.

"Go and have fun!" Sophia exclaimed, before shutting the door behind me. I glanced back at the closed door helplessly, and smiled weakly at Chen.

"Alright, are you ready? Let's go!" Chen exclaimed.

His excitement must have been contagious, as I couldn't help but find myself smiling as well as we headed out onto the streets. Of course, Chen had to wear sunglasses and a hat, but I was still beyond happy that he was with me.

"Other than the park, have you been anywhere else?" Chen remembered.

I shook my head, "I haven't really got the time to explore here."

"But you're from Canada, right? Have you eaten the food here yet?" Chen questioned.

I shook my head again, and he gasped in mock horror, "you have to! Come on, let's find Korean snacks to introduce you to."

We walked among the shops on either side of the street, chatting about the most random things. He asked me about life in Canada, and I asked him how it was like in Korea.

Spotting a shop full of cute notebooks, I hurried inside and instantly ran to the cute little pencils that were lined up in a line.

"Do you not have these in Canada?" Chen asked, amused.

"No, these things are so much prettier!" I squealed.

"Then I'll get it for you. As a welcoming present," Chen plucked the two pencils that I was admiring out of my hands, and strolled over to the cashier.

"Ah don't have to buy them.....!" I protested, hurrying over.

"Too late," Chen stuck his tongue out at me as he handed me the little bag with the pencils, "you're welcome!"

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