Not a Coincidence

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"I don't think this is a good idea," Sophia muttered, but eating the ice cream all the same.

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"Yah, we're going off the diet plan the teacher gave us," Sophia giggled, but I was sure she was secretly enjoying the ice cream just as much as I was. I gave a lick of my green tea ice cream, and rolled my eyes.

"She's never going to know if nobody tells her about it," I smirked, glancing at my ice cream wistfully, "besides, I think I came to South Korea partly to eat food. And I haven't really gotten the chance to yet."

"I swear, it's always about food," Sophia whacked my arm playfully. I linked my arm through hers, and gave her a bright smile.

"But I know that you love me anyways," I gave her a cute smile.

"But that's not important right now," Sophia leaned closer, and gave me a wink, "tell me, what's going on between you and Chen?"

"Nothing," I automatically replied.

"You can fool everyone else, but you can never fool your best friend," Sophia warned, "you were with him when you called me that night, right?"

"We just happened to be there talking," I muttered.

Sophia suddenly smacked her head, and gave a little shriek in frustration. I glanced at her, alarmed, "what's wrong?"

"I can't believe I interrupted your moment! Who knows what could've happened?!"

Of all the things she was worried about, that was it?

"Trust me Sophia, nothing would've happened either way. He's an idol, I'm a trainee, and there is no way he likes me either way."

"That's not what my inner-spy is telling me," Sophia smirked, "if you two would just talk, I'm sure that you two could find out that you have a lot in common!"

"Sophia, stop it," I sighed, my smile fading, "don't. You know this is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Sophia grabbed my hands tightly, "Holly, your sister would've wanted you to be happy. Not restricted in any way. I bet that the thought of actually meeting them had never even crossed her mind. She loved them as a fan would love her idols. That's a different type of love from what you're experiencing with him now. She wouldn't be mad at you. You know that. So stop coming up with excuses, and admit your feelings already."

"You know, I already kissed him," I blurted out. She stared at me for a few seconds, before starting to jump up and down.

"What?! Really? What happened?" she squealed. But taking in my facial expression, she stopped jumping abruptly, "did that jerk reject you?"

"No, we kinda just pretended it never happened," I muttered.

"HOLLY!" her loud shout made a bunch of people passing by give us alarming looks, "why would you do that?! Go and talk to him right now. Now."

"I will when I see him," I sighed, rubbing my forehead, "but it's not like we have much to talk about. He clearly doesn't like me."

Sophia simply rolled her eyes in response, "keep telling yourself that, Holly. As your best friend, I'm just waiting for the day when I can say I told you so."

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