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"Honey, wake up!" my aunt called from downstairs impatiently.

I groaned, and rubbed my eyes. Blindly putting on my clothes, I stumbled downstairs.

"Auntie, summer break just started! Can't you let me sleep in?" I begged her, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Of course not! Sleeping in is bad for you," my aunt scolded me. She had this weird smile on her face, but I assumed it was her joy in seeing me miserable.

"It's not like I have anything to do this summer," I protested, "all I have to do is study!"

My aunt scoffed, "you say that now, but are you ever going to touch your schoolbooks until the last week of summer vacation?" she looked at me teasingly.

"Hey! Of course!" I protested with a laugh, though she was probably right.

"Anyhow, about the whole "nothing to do", I'm sure Sophia darling would love to explain to you what she has in mind," my aunt smiled that weird smile again.

"Sophia?" I asked in confusion.

Just then, the front door burst open. In came Sophia and her dad, all smiling broadly.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Sophia took my hands, and high-fived them excitedly, "guess what we're doing this summer?"

"What?" I asked warily. All of her ideas for things to do in the summer never ended well. One summer, she dragged me to go bungee jumping. I was so scared of heights that she basically had to push me down.

"Don't sound like that," my aunt scolded me, "you'll love it!"

"What?" I repeated, looking into Sophia's sparkling eyes.

"Me and you got accepted into SM!!! We're going to South Korea!!!" Sophia practically screamed in my ear.


"So wait," I repeated for the 5th time, "you actually broke into my mail?"

"I casually got the key from your aunt," Sophia shrugged, "so technically I didn't break into anything."

"May Flight A7392 please proceed to terminal 2," the announcer droned on.

We were sitting on the uncomfortable waiting chairs in the airport, with Sophia's parents and my aunt all watching something in the row behind us. Our carry ons rested at our feet, but I still couldn't believe we were actually going.

"Is Lucia actually not coming, though?" my smile dropped instantly.

All this time, I had always imagined us three being idols. Us three debuting in a group, and meeting other sunbaenims from the same company together.

Unfortunately, I guess reality hit.

Lucia hadn't gotten accepted.

Sophia and I hadn't known how to break the news to her, but we did about 2 days later, at the park.

She had left saying she was alright, but wouldn't meet our eyes.

We hadn't exactly seen her since then, and it had been a week.

"It's alright! We can always FaceTime," Sophia tried to stay positive.

"Why FaceTime when the original is here?" Lucia's voice popped up from behind us. We spun around to see her sitting beside my aunt, grinning at us.

We tackled her into a hug, "we missed you!!"

"Sorry. I needed some time, but I'm actually fine now," Lucia explained.

"Are you sure?" Sophia asked worriedly.

"For sure. I'll focus on my studies here, and become a doctor like I had always wanted to be as well!" Lucia exclaimed.

"When you're rich and have a perfect family, remember to turn on the television and watch us," Sophia joked.

"Though we might even make it to debut," I frowned.

"Ya!" both Lucia and Sophia turned to me, "stop being so negative!"

"You don't dare come back here unless its for a concert," Lucia threatened.

"We'll make sure to make you proud, mom," Sophia joked.

"May Flight A2832 please proceed to terminal 7," the loudspeaker called out.

"That's us," my aunt announced, standing up.

The adults led the way, and the three of us walked with our arms linked in silence. Not wanting to forget this moment.

"You'll send me messages, right?" Lucia asked.

"Of course," Sophia tried for a smile, but it looked like she was on the verge of breaking down.

"Pictures?" Lucia pressed on.

"We'll spam your phone with them," I replied.

We all stopped in front of the terminal. I stepped forward, and hugged Lucia tightly.

"I'll miss being your best friend," Lucia whispered, her voice cracking at the end.

"You'll still always be my best friend," I replied, starting to cry as well, "take care, and get amazing grades alright? Also, don't forgot to confess to David on Valentine's Day like you promised!"

"Ya," Lucia protested weakly, "how do you remember all these things?"

I managed a small laugh, and we hugged silently for a few seconds before finally letting go. While Sophia took my place, I turned to my aunt.

"Be good there," she warned me, tears springing into her eyes.

"I will," I replied softly.

"Wow.....I can't believe that you're finally growing up," my aunt sighed.

"I love you," I simply replied, hugging her tightly.

"Do your best there, alright? And remember to tell me if you have any problems. Don't forget that you're always welcome back here anytime," my aunt murmured.

"I'll tell you everything," I promised, "but I'm determined to succeed."

"That sounds like the Holly I know," my aunt smiled ruthfully. We broke apart, and she ruffled my hair affectionately.

"Take care of your health, okay? Drink lots of water, and don't push yourself too hard. If you can't do it, then don't injure yourself trying to," my aunt warned me.

"I won't. I'll be careful, I promise," I smiled.

My aunt hesitated slightly, "have you told your mom and dad that you're going to Korea?"

"No," I briefly replied, my tone falling flat.

"Holly, they'll want to know..." my aunt began.

"You can tell them if they ever ask," I sighed, "but I didn't tell them. You're the only one I wanted to tell."

She looked quite worried, but dropped the topic thankfully.

"Lets go," Sophia whispered, tugging my arm.

We both walked through the terminal, and looked back one last time at all of them who were waving goodbye.

"I'll miss you all so much" I thought, as we both turned around to board the airplane.

Thank you, and goodbye Canada.

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