Lost and Found

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My phone.

It wasn't there.

Trying not to panic, I scanned my brain for where I may have last left it, but drew a complete blank. I did know that I still had my phone back at the waiting room, and that was where it probably was.


Looking at the huge crowd at the exit, I knew I couldn't wait until that cleared up. I glanced back to the door I had entered this room from, but it would probably look incredibly bad on me to try and go back that way.

However, it was my only option.

I slowly inched towards the back of the judge, for now thankful for all the people in the room. I was able to blend in well with the staff members.

Reaching nearly within the line of sight by the judge, I debated whether or not I should make a run for it. But wouldn't that make me look really suspicious?

"Do you need something?" someone asked me in rapid Korean. I turned around with wide eyes to see Chen looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Ah.....I....." I started hesitantly.

Realizing I was speaking in English, he gestured to one of the translators before telling me to continue talking.

"I think I left my phone in the waiting room, but the exit is too crowded. I need to go back there to find my phone...." I explained to him.

He glanced at the next line of auditions that were already happening, "I don't think it would be a good idea to interrupt them. After all the auditions are done, that's going to be your only chance to go back there.

I mentally scanned what was on my phone, and realized with horror that there were pictures on there I never copied onto my computer.

Pictures I would never be able to take again.

"No.....I need that phone," I muttered, feeling a wave of panic wash over me.

Realizing my distress, Chen glanced around. He leaned closer, and I couldn't help but lean a bit back. Like um....I wasn't prepared for him to come this close yet!

I realized he did that so the translator wouldn't hear, and I vowed to try and understand what he said.

"I don't think you can go back without a reason, but I'm allowed. I'll go and look for it, alright?" he asked slowly.

"Ah but it'll be dangerous for you to go....." I mumbled, surprised I could actually form sentences in Korean. Perhaps my daily flashcards were actually doing something useful.

He gave me a smile, "your phone is more important."

I mentally swooned, but was still pretty worried about my phone.

You know, priorities.

"It could actually be anywhere," I mumbled, scrambling to think of a plan, "it's-it's alright. I'll go once everyone else leaves."

"But your parents are bound to be worried about you right now," Chen frowned, "why don't you let me find your phone, and I'll give it to you later?"

"But how will you reach me?" I questioned.

He took out a pen from his pocket, and carefully wrote something on the back of my hand, "contact me whenever!"

Before I could protest, he gently turned me towards the exit before slipping away.

I glanced at the back of my hand, and saw a bunch of numbers written down.

Could it be?


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