Just Cry

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I clutched the phone tightly, unconsciously squeezing my eyes shut and silently begging desperately in my head, "don't leave me. I need you."

There was a pause on the other line, before I heard Sophia's distant voice, "please turn back," There was some shuffling, before I heard her take a deep breath and a shaky laugh.

"You really are still a little kid, eh? Still depending so much on someone for everything," she asked, her voice wavering but with a hint of a smile. I could tell instantly that she had snapped out of it, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Sophia," I muttered, chanting her name, "Sophia Sophia Sophia, never do that ever again."

"Thank you," she breathed out, and we both knew that no more words were needed. There was a beat of silence on the other line before I heard her awkward laugh again.

"Well, my phone is dying, and there's 20 missed calls and about 50 text messages unread that I have to answer. I'll see you back in the dorm?" Sophia asked.

I let out a small smile, though I knew she couldn't see me, "yeah, for sure. See you there."

Neither of us seemed to want to hang up, or say goodbye. Finally, I took a deep breath, "I love you, Sophs."

"I love you too," she mumbled, and I could already tell she was crying again, "I love you so much."

I hung up then, because it seemed like the right time to do so. Finally opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was Chen hovering over me, looking like he was about to hug me. Once he saw my eyes opened, his arms shot back to behind his back, and he cleared his throat.

"Y-you and Sophia are okay now?" he asked, with that adorable nervous stutter.

I met his eyes, that were clouded with worry. And I wondered how I had managed to meet such good people in the short time that I had been here. I had come here solely to fulfill the dream of my sister, but now slowly, her dream was becoming my dream as well. I was starting to understand why my sister desperately wanted to be a part of this world. Not all people were fake on T.V. Not all people were here for the money, the power, or the fame.

Unable to meet his eyes anymore, I slowly looked to the ground...and everything that had just happened rushed through me, like a delayed reaction. I burst into tears, and let my phone finally drop to the bench, after clutching it so tightly for so long.

And I realized I wasn't crying just for what had just happened. It was funny, in some twisted way, how someone could start crying because of one thing, but continue crying because of something entirely different.

I was crying for my family, who I had never seen together ever since the death of my sister. I cried for my aunt, who I knew didn't take on many amazing job offers just so that I could stay at my school until graduation. And most of all, I cried for my sister, my precious sister that had been taken out of this world all too soon.

"Hey," his soft voice was right beside me, like a light in the darkness. I felt him take my hand gently, while the other hand softly tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him. I averted my eyes, not wanting him, or anyone really, to see this side of me.

"Holly, listen," he started softly, "I don't think I know a quarter of all the things you went through. You're really admirable, for being able to come so far and be that strong girl I knew you wanted to be. But it's okay to break down once in a while, during times like this. You can't always be strong, or else you would be lying to yourself, convincing yourself that nothing's wrong when really everything's wrong."

Don't be like this, Kim Jongdae.

"S-stop," I managed out, biting my lip hard until I could taste blood, "stop-"

He gently reached a hand over and wiped the blood off my lip, causing me to stop mid-sentence, "don't do that, that's bad for your lips."

I almost laughed right then and there, wondering how on earth someone like him could be worried about the welfare of my lips at a time like this.

I heard Chen shuffling, and felt a gentle hand guide my head to lean on his shoulder, "it's okay for you to cry here. Nobody can see us here. Nobody'll ever know."

"But you will," I mumbled.

I could almost imagine him smiling that perfect smile of his when he gently placed his other arm around me, "I'll forget by tomorrow, if you want me to."

"No," I found myself mumbling.

"Then I won't tell."

I rested my head against his shoulder, and cried until I felt as though there were no more tears to spare. At that time, Chen and I simply sat there in silence, not saying anything but somehow both knowing that this moment was more precious than 863 words could describe. I could hear his soft breathing, and I became aware of the coldness that was starting to set in. I unconsciously shivered, and lifted by head from his shoulder at last.

"Thank you," I breathed out, finally able to meet his eyes. Chen looked back at me and offered me a small smile.

"That's the least I could do."

We stared at each other for a couple of heartbeats, both with millions of words swirling in our heads, but choosing to stay silent. Finally, I glanced at my watch.

"Wow, it's 4 a.m." I let out a small laugh, "I guess we're going to get no sleep tonight."

"Go to sleep now. 2 hours of sleep is better than nothing," he urged, "I'll do the same."

"Alright," I agreed, suddenly feeling as though my eyes became very heavy. I turned to walk back down into the building, wondering how long it would take Sophia to get back.


Chen's voice startled me, and I turned around to look expectantly at him. He took a few steps towards me, and met my eyes unwaveringly. My heartbeat suddenly increased, and at that second, my mind went completely blank.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying to sound casual.








...think you forgot your phone on the bench."

I glanced at my phone in his hands in embarrassment, and took it when he offered it to me, "thanks again."

"No problem. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Chen."


Hahahahahaha were you expecting something there? ;) Sorry to disappoint you guys :P I promise, I won't be such a tease next time....maybe :P

Thanks for reading as always, my lovely readers!!



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