Sing With Me

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Kyungsoo and Baekhyun appeared into view. Oh, thank god.

Or maybe not.

"Yaaaa~ what's going on Chennie?" Baekhyun didn't hesitate to ask.

"You didn't reply to our messages," Kyungsoo added, giving me a glance before looking away.

"Mianhe. Do we have to go somewhere?" Chen asked.

"Did you forget that we have a schedule in 15 minutes?" Baekhyun sighed, mockingly shaking his head in disappointment, "I expected better from you."

"I'm sorry," I automatically apologized to all three of them, "sorry........"

"I should be the one saying sorry," Chen objected, "why are you apologizing instead?"

"Because it's my fault that you forgot," I replied without hesitation.

"No," Chen laughed, "it's not. Don't apologize for things that you didn't do, Holly."

He knew my name???? Wahhhhh~

"O-okay," I stuttered, trying to contain myself. Baekhyun laughed as well, and observed me with an amused look.

"You're one of the new trainees from Canada, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "how do you know?"

"I was talking to your friend the other day, when we walked back to our dorms together," Baekhyun recalled, "and she told me a few things."

I made a mental note to tell Sophia that Baekhyun was keeping track of their conversations. She would start screaming for sure.

"We should go before we're late," Kyungsoo spoke up. The three of them walked to each other's side, and Baekhyun and Kyungsoo started walking back where they came from.

"Sorry I have to leave now. I'm sure that I'll see you again soon, though," Chen waved to me cheerfully.

I waved back with a half-smile, and watched as he turned and ran to catch up to his members. Once he disappeared out of sight, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Chen talked to me. Chen hugged me. Chen knew my name.

But most of all, Chen knew part of my secret.

I didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

* * *

"That's all for today! Good work," the music teacher informed, before walking back into her office. I bowed towards her, and sat down slowly on the piano bench.

To say I was surprised was an underestimate when I realized that I would be getting private lessons for my piano. I thought they would just add me to another group of piano players, but it was one-on-one. And for that, I was very grateful.

I ran my fingers softly across the piano keys, and pressed down Middle C. Though I had been playing for about 2 hours now, I still could never get tired of playing the piano.

Spotting a stack of sheet music stacked on top of the piano, I scanned through it. Most of the songs I didn't really know, but just as I was about to give up on finding a song, I stumbled upon a song that I had learned a few months ago at home.

I took the sheets out, and placed them on the piano stand.

"I'm struggling to find you who I cannot see

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot hear

I see things that I couldn't see before

Do You Remember? (EXO Chen)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu