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"You're going to be staying here," the lady opened the room on the 7th floor of the SM building.

"Wow, such high end treatment for trainees?" I marveled.

"Actually, your parents paid for these accommodations. Normally trainees live with their families. But since you are foreigners, you would get a room in another building specifically for trainees. However, your parents paid for the costs to have a room here instead, where a lot of idols live."

"What?" Sophia gaped, "how much did this cost?"

The question was answered when we opened the door to our dorm. It had cozy, sky blue walls, and I instantly saw a huge flat-screen tv and couches. Adjacent to those two was a huge window with a balcony. The kitchen was also pretty big, with everything from microwaved to dishwashers.

Upstairs, there were 4 rooms. There were two master bedrooms where Sophia and I would probably take, and two slightly smaller rooms, one with a window seat and the other with a computer and a bookshelf.

"This is so amazing," Sophia's jaw dropped open as the two of us headed downstairs again.

"How much money did our parents pay??" I asked, then froze at the wording, "how much money did your parents and my aunt pay, I mean."

A sudden knock on the door startled the two of us. Sophia was already in the middle of opening her suitcase, so I hurried to open it.

"Anyoung!" the first thing I saw was a cake. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were standing in front of me, with Baekhyun peeking up from behind the cake.

This was so surreal, I wondered if this was all a dream somehow.

"An-anyoung, sunbaenims," I stuttered, hastily bowing.

"We just wanted to welcome the new addition to our floor!" Baekhyun explained brightly.

I kid you not, at the sound of his voice, Sophia practically tripped over herself trying to get to the door. The second she saw Baekhyun, she screamed.

"What's going on?" the door a bit further down the hall on the opposite side opened. Chen and Lay rushed out, and hurried over, "did someone scream?"

No way. Neighbors?

For the first time in my life, I realized what a lucky person I was.

Chen started when he saw me, "oh, it's you!"

"Who screamed?" was what Lay was concerned about.

"Her," Kyungsoo gestured to Sophia.

"I-I'm sorry!" Sophia squeaked out, "this is all so......not real to me."

"Not real?" Chanyeol didn't seem to understand what that meant. He shrugged, and put on his happy smile again, "we worked hard to bake this cake for you, so will you please accept it?"

"Ah, of course," I gently took the cake from Baekhyun, "thank you so much."

"Do you know her?" Baekhyun inquired, turning to Chen.

"She auditioned in Canada. You two got accepted right? Congratulations!" Chen beamed.

"So you're trainees?" Lay clarified.

We nodded.

"Why are you living here then?" Kyungsoo frowned slightly, "isn't there another building for foreigners to live in?"

"Our parents paid for this," Sophia smiled sheepishly.

"Wow, you're very lucky to have those parents," Lay commented.

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