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Hey guys this isn't a chapter, sorry. I'd also like to apologize to any Americans that live in Pacific Standard Time, Mountain Standard Time and Central Standard Time. In regard to the twitcam which was meant to take place tonight and or tomorrow, Abby who was organizing this twitcam only took Eastern Standard time into account when planning for this. She is so very extremely sorry. Anyone living in Pacific Standard Time, your time for twitcam is 6 am. Mountain Standard Time, yours is 7 am, and Central Standard Time yours is 8 am. For all you English people your time remains the same. For anyone else whose time wasn't included in this message, feel free to private message me and I will happily give you your time. We are so sorry for any inconvenience and for all you Americans that we 'lied to' we won't be offended if you don't watch. We understand that this is the day after 4th of July and for a lot of you this is a big deal, so we have decided to do another twitcam next week. We have not figured out an exact date for this but we know it will be on Tuesday onwards. The big announcement will still be said but will be mentioned again on the next twitcam. We will not be putting any news about the special announcement on wattpad until after the second twitcam has taken place.

Anyway, peace and love to all you beautiful people!

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