Chapter 50

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Tyler's POV

"This is what you call a date?"

We were currently walking down the beach. I had Elizabeth on my back.

"We are not there yet."

She sighed. I looked around and spotted the place.
"Over there." I said

I walked until we got to the outside of a beach house. It had rocks as a barrier around it and had lanterns to light it up.

"This is so nice. Is this yours?" She said getting of my back.


"Your dad's?"


"Whose is it?"

"I don't know." She looked at me and motioned for me to go on. "Well. I searched it up and there is no one actually owning this place. People stay here all the time."



She went up the mini staircase and opened the door. And I followed her. She walked around the room.
"This reminds me of camp. Wood floors and walls." She looked out the huge window that it had where you have the view of the beach.

"Let's go for a swim." I said

"I don't have a bathing suit."

"No. But you do have a bra and under wear."

She widened her eyes.

"It's just like a bikini." I added.

She blinked a couple of times. "W-what no! No! They are people going to be there."

"It's 12 at night. I highly doubt it."

She looked outside the window then back at me. She nodded and started walking towards the door. I followed her. She went outside where the beach was close. "Tyler."She took off her shirt and threw it on the sand.
"Yeah?" She slid off her snickers and pulled out her sweatpants.
"I hate you."
She then ran into the water. I chuckled and pulled my shirt over my head and ran to the water.
Emily's POV

Friday, Dance

I looked into the mirror with my dark blue dress.Shane asked me to the dance a while ago.I wouldn't want anyone to know I have a case of depression.So the best way is to act like I'm this happy little girl.And that was exactly what I was gonna do.

"Emily come help me with my hair!"Cathy exclaimed from the other room.

"In a second!"

I brushed my hands against the dress and fixed my hair.I walked over to the room as my smile dropped when I saw Caroline.I know I have to make an effort to become her friend.Right?

"Hey Emily"she said slowly

"Hi Caroline.Its really nice to see you"

"Yea"she said slowly again

"Guys it's a dance!Come help my with this mess Em!"Cathy says pointing to her ginger hair.

I ran over to her and did a waterfall braid.I learned from my mom when I was little.Until she finally gave in to the business world with my dad.

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