Chapter 48

49 5 3

Elizabeth's POV

I, again, saw Aaron sitting on the same bench. He looked up from the ground, smiled and scooted over. I sat next to him.

"Hey." He said smiling.


"H-how are you?"

"Good. You?"



"Um Elizabeth Im just going to get to the point to just like, you know, not have the awkward silence."

"Sure. Go ahead." I said sitting to face him

"I- I'm really sorry for what I did. And how I mistreated you. But I want you to know that I did love you. And I'm sorry that I made you believe different. And I know we have a misunderstanding-"

"Excuse me. But I don't think you get what you did to me. Should I refresh your memory? Let me refresh your memory alright. I was the one that took your bullshit. I was the one who actually cared about you. I was the one who stuck around even when everybody told me to leave. I was the one who loved you when you gave me every reason not to. Lastly, I was the one who was there for you when no one else was. I hope you can sleep at night knowing that." I got up and began walking away.

This night didn't last long. I can't believe he would even try to ask for my forgiveness.
Then I felt a hand grip my wrist. I look back to see Aaron.

"Elizabeth. Please. Just let me talk."

"No." I said snatching my hand back.

I turned my heel and headed out. I took out my phone and texted Tyler.

"Tyler. I'm done. You can pick me up now."

A tear fell from my face into my phone. I didn't realize I was crying. Why was I crying? I wiped the screen with my sleeve and wiped the tears on my face. My phone vibrated.

"Wow. That fast? Did something happen! I'm on my way, babe."

I sat down at the bench on the side of the road. I closed my eyes and that made 2 tears fall from my face. I quickly wiped them away. 2 minutes later, Tyler's car pulled up in front me. I walked towards the car and got in.

I tried not to look at him, because my face gets really puffy and red. You can always tell if I have been crying.

Tyler picked up my head with his fingers and made me look at him. His face was filled with concern and anger.

"Is he still here?" He asked

"No he left before me. It's fine." I lied.

"What did he do?!"

"Nothing, Tyler." I said trying to look away but Tyler kept his fingers hold on my chin.

"Elizabeth. I need you to tell me you are okay"

I smiled a half smile. "I'm okay."

He still looked concerned but started the car. I looked out the window the whole drive replaying everything that just happened in the small amount of time.

Tyler got to my house and parked. We were staying in the car in silence for a few seconds.

"Do you want me to stay over?" Tyler asked.

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