Chapter 34

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Positano ^^^^^

Elizabeth's POV

I was in my room and my mom told me to go down. I went down and my dad and mom had serious faces. It had me worried last time this happened, my grandfather died.

"Um, I'm scared to ask." I said

"We are just going to get this over with." My dad started

"We are getting divorce" my mom said.

I felt tears coming.

"W-why." I said weak

"We just don't work, and its just not the same" My dad said.

I got my purse and keys

"Elizabeth, wait !" My dad yelled l
I left and went for a walk. I sat on the sand.
And cried.

"Hey." I heard a voice behind me. I looked back and it was Tyler.

"Hey" my voice cracked.

"How you doing?"

"Fine"I said wiping as much tears as I can.

He nodded then hugged me the minute my head touched his chest I burst into tears. He stroked his fingers through my hair. And kissed my head. And he took me to the Browns .


Emily POV

I went downstairs after I ruined my room.
Rose,my little sister was there.

"Hi" i said

"hey,wanna play video games with me"

"I cant I have to go"

"Please Emily please please"

"NO NOW STOP"I yelled

I know i shouldn't have screamed at her but i was angry and did not want to deal with her right now. She started to cry. I went out and got some food.It was good.When i went home my mom and dad were crying, I've never seen them cry before.

"Whats wrong" I said with a worried face

"Rose....Rose has a tumor in her lungs and the doctors say she will only has about 3 months ".my mom said while crying

i didnt feel anything. I just felt lifeless like i had no feeling.I stood there waiting for them to tell me that this was a dream or it was joke.Just something to make the pain in my heart stop.I looked at Rose who was crying.I ran to her and hugged her for as long as I needed to. I was playing with Rose. When I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I said to rose smiling

"Okay." She smiled back.

I opened the door and it was Shane

"Hey" he said


"How are you doing"

I bursted out tears.

"My sister is going to die" I said

He hugged me when I saw Daniel in the back.


Daniel hugged me. While hugging Daniel, Shane mouthed the words "I'll come back later" and I mouthed back "okay. Then he left.

Me and Daniel played with Rose for a the rest of the day.


Caroline POV

" Shimi Shimi yo Shimi yo Shimi yay!"

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