Chapter 38 Part 2

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14 year old characters ^^^^


" Bulls eye !"

" Oh my god ! Caroline you killed someone !" Elizabeth said closing her eyes.

" Elizabeth "

" I'm gonna be in jail and not go to Harvard"

" Elizabeth "

" I'll rot in jail or worst ... Go to a pu-pu-public school and work at a McDonalds ! Not even a Wendy's ! A McDonalds !"

" Elizabeth .."

"And then t-Tyler! Would think I'm a murder!"She yelled


"What!?"  She opened her eyes.

"The arrow went through his shirt." I said kind of disappointed.

"What the fuck !? You could have killed me!" Zach yelled.

" I didn't ! And I would have done you a favor !"

"No you wouldn't . I wouldn't be able to look at you." He said looking at me up and down and smirking

"Ew. Pervert." I said pulling the arrow from his shirt.

"You want me to shoot again ?
And this time I won't miss."

"You wouldn't."

I put the arrow on the bow and shot the arrow. But he grabbed it with his hand right before it hit his chest. Impressive.

"Damn." I said disappointed it didn't hit him.

He looked at me with wide eyes. I turned around , grabbed Elizabeth arm,And walked away. But I heard him say :

"I like you brown."


I was extremely confused .

I'm my dear childhood nothing had held my attention for more than 1 minute . And NOW of all the things it had to a boy ! A boy for gods sake ! Why not collecting cards or cloud watching ? Or something at least .

I would put this behind me ,it was all a product of  my imagination . I went to sleep dreaming of Ian Somerhalder.

The next morning I woke up with Shane on top of me, with a big grin on his face .

"Hello, my twin sister! Today is the first day of camp Hawkwood !"He yelled waking up Elizabeth as well." Let's go have breakfast !"

"Yeah,yeah just let me get ready." I said

I put on the camp shirt that they gave us yesterday and some pair of shorts.

Me, Tyler, Elizabeth, and Shane went to the cafeteria to eat break feast. We got our food that was surprisingly good. We sat with some other kids and talked . So there I was socializing,
When  I was  picked up and put back down. I looked back and I was siting on Zach. Shane would have tackled Zach if he wasn't being held down by two other guys. I elbowed Zach and he fell back. He got up and kissed me in the cheek. All the girls stared at me like I had just individually insulted them. He gave me a smile and was about leave with this other guy. But I gave him the middle finger before he left.

Elizabeth started giggling like a manic when Shane yelled

"Who the hell was that?!"

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