Chapter 14

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Elizabeth's POV

Caroline and Tyler have been gone for 2 days they aren't answering any calls .

It was Saturday, and I was so nervous because Chris asked me on our first date . We are going roller skating, I know what you are thinking "that's not a date if you guys already been there". It is to us!
I was getting ready. I had such a hard time figuring out what to where do I stuck with my same old leggings and a plain white shirt. I packed my roller skates. And I heard a knock on the door.

Chris POV

I knocked on the door nervously. She opened the door , and she was beautiful. Wait, she was wearing makeup?
"Why are u wearing makeup? You are beautiful without it"
Every time I tell her something like that she blushes. She tries to hide that she is blushing and I think it's cute.

We were at the arena and she rolled through me and almost fell. But of course me being the man I catched her
Elizabeth looked at my eyes.
I can closer. And once again we kissed.

After roller skating;
I asked if she wanted to go to a restaurant. She said yes .
We were at the restaurant and we talked for hours


"Do you like cheesy people."I said.

She looked into my eyes .

"I love them."

"Well I think you are beautiful. Not only  beautiful on the outside but on the inside."

"Wow Chris. So cheesy... I love it." She said putting her head on her hands smiling.


Caroline POV

We helped Emily pack her stuff .
We put it in the car and went to the Cowboys fair .

We were all having a good time .
Tyler ate like 5 corns
And me and Emily and Sam had a lot of candy . I was on my 6th lollipop when Tyler took it out of my mouth and said :
"I think you've had enough "

"How come you didn't say that when you practically gave me an alcohol overdose "

He rolled his eyes "what alcohol does to you is nothing compared to your sugar rush "
" But candy is soooo goooooddd!"
He laughed and I grabbed the Popsicle from his hand and licked it .
"Oh Caroline "
He sighed

After a lot of eating riding and messing around we decided to slow down and go to the Ferris wheel .

Tyler and Sam didn't want to go . They said they ate to much and wanted to wait 30 minutes


So me and Emily went on and admired the view and talked .
" So Emily ...what about Tyler "
She looked at me " Well I'm gonna do what's best for me and move on ."
"Finally one person that I could knock some sense into their head "

"Well you LITERALLY hit me in the head"

I instantly stopped , the sight I saw was shocking .

There he was Zach Mathews standing Right under my eyes . The kid who got us  all in trouble that Summer. Only he had gotten taller ,hotter and muscular .

" Carol , are you ok ?"

" I -I thought it was just Shane playing a prank I didn't think he was actually gonna come "

"What ? Who ? "
I pointed at Zach who kept looking around
Emily froze . She had known Zach ,
she was here in 8th and 9th grade . Zach even left before she did.

" Why is he here?" she said
I ignored her question and called Tyler . I could see everything from the Ferris wheel .

Tyler answered
"Carol whats wrong ?"
" Zach is here "
Tyler paused
"What? where ?"
" To your right "
He looked
"I saw what should I do ?"
" Keep him distracted until I find a way down , don't let him see you ."
"Okay I'm on it "
But before Tyler could do anything Zach looks our way .

Fuck! That armpit ! Yeah I just called someone an armpit .Get over it .

He immediately went and stood were the people get down from the ferris wheel .
Oh no he would NOT get me .

I needed to think fast

The guy looked alarmed and stopped it

Nice try Mathews ,nice try .
Then it came right back at my at face .
He .started .climbing .the freaking .Ferris wheel.

" Caroline what do we do ? " said Emily
Mathews thinks he can get me huh?..... well think twice .
" He isn't gonna beat me" I said as he continued to climb

"Oh boy " said Emily

This is now not matter if not being noticed by him it's a matter of who's better. And I'm better!

"Caroline he's getting closer "
"Jump !"
" What? no! "she said
Zack was two carts away
"NOW !"
And I jumped to the other cart and took Emily with me
" You can't run from me !" Said Zach and chased after us . You can't run from me he's said that before . Ew! Was I just getting cheesy ?! Ugh no .

We kept jumping from cart to cart
When we finally got to the ground Zach was three carts behind.
" Come on said Tyler !"
We ran till we got behind a kettle corn stand .
We sneaked our way through the parking lot and went to my jeep and Zach was waiting there

"What the fuck how do you know what my car is?" I said
"I always knew you wanted a jeep"
" umm ok well bye"
"Wait guys "
He grabbed me by the wrist
"Let go " said Tyler
" make me "
Zach just smirked as in daring him to come closer then I remembered Zach's 10 years of MMA
" you two idiots stop " I said
"Tyler lets go "
Tyler stepped back, we got back to the car and drove away

After dropping Sam at her house we headed home


We are all so dead


Hey guys ::::
So yeah hi guys !
If you have any questions about the story don't hesitate to message me or my other 2 friends who are helping write the story !

My other 2 friends co writing this are bellaak and @andreabarrios  
So go follow them !

Next chapter probably tomorrow

Love you guys and I hoped you guys liked Zach

Zach: Of course they did I'm awesome !

Author:Shut up don't get cocky
Zach : but they love my cockiness
*zach winks at girls *
*girls fall to the ground *

Author : what have I created

Zach : you've created a hot God

Oh someone help me

Caroline : Don't forget to comment and vote !and vote that this jerk gets killed in the next chapter *laughs evilly *

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