Chapter 45

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Caroline POV

"Oh wow wow here we goooo again!"

"Come on Jonny sing with me! "

" And we will never ever ever ever be not together!"

Okay so I'm at a bar right now and I'm singing with Jonny the 47 year old guy I just became friends with....and I may or may not be slightly drunk.

I was still upset about Shane, and I know exactly what you are all thinking: 'well you shouldn't stick your nose in his business'

Well people work with me here. How would you feel if your brother was dating a girl who said he loved and lead him on ,but her ex came back and she dumped him leaving him heartbroken while he cried his heart out like an old lady going through menopause,and then came back to him leading him on all over again.

I don't know what you think but I'm trying to keep Shane from getting hurt and doing something stupid. But Shane has made himself all to clear. So he can do what he want's and screw himself up if he wants because it is no longer and it never was my business.

And I'm going to laugh my butt off when he realizes I'm right. Because I always am, and no one ever listens to me and they end up getting screwed up.

So whatever back to Jonny and the bar.

"Yo Jonny pay up! You lost the bet!"

" Thats what my ex wife used to say!"

Let me fill you up about Jonny. After having my pity party I ran out of alcohol and I couldn't get one from my dads stash again because he will notice. I decided to come to a bar and this was the nearest. I came in and thats when I found Jonny moping about his pathetic life and I decided to make him have fun.

"Come Caroline! Let's make another one!" People started screaming out 'yeah!' and 'come on' we had been betting on football and I had won all the bets.

"Alright! Alright! I bet on the cowboys for this one especially on Witten "

"You're on missy!" After a whole quarter I had won again

"Pay up my dearies! I may be young but I know my football"

People all over grunted and payed up. I stuffed the money in a bag.

"Hey Caroline where's your friend? The one you said was coming"

"Ha. You mean Eli-welly? I don't know she said she was with Tyler"

Then a girl barely wearing clothes came with two bottles and shot glasses.

"Shooootss!" She screamed as she put the shots down

"Yeaaaah!" I started sipping all the shots one by one when the door opened

"CAROLINE!" I turned around and saw Zach. I giggled and waved at him

"Yo Z-man come over here" Zach walked over with a angry face. Now I realize it was angry but then I thought it was a derp face. I was intoxicated do not judge me.

I put my arm around him and stumbled but he caught me.

"Car let's go" Jonny stood up and put his arm around Zach although Zach was still taller.

"Hehe Car....bruuum!Bruum!" I giggled and pulled Zach with me to the table. He sat down and I passed my hand through his forehead

"Wow your sweaty!"

" Yeah Tyler didn't come to the game for some reason and I was there so I had to serve as quarterback"

"Wow, Zach the quarterback. I like it" He rolled his eyes but smirked

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