Chapter 29

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Tyler's POV

The next morning I was hoping to go roller skating with Elizabeth for she can tell me more about this asshole they call Aaron. I went to Elizabeth's room and her mom told me she spent the night at Caroline's .I knocked and Caroline opened the door all drowzy.

"Hey." She said weakly and tired

"Hey is Elizabeth here? "

"Yeah she is still sleeping she fell asleep on the couch" she said.

I zoomed into Caroline's room .

"Why don't you come in" said Caroline sarcastically .

I went to the couch and she was wrapped with the blanket like a burrito.

"Wow, she looks so peaceful." I said looking at her

"Not for long" said Caroline.

She put her cup of coffee on the table and jumped on Elizabeth

"WAKE UP!"  She said

"UGH! I was having the best dream!" She said putting her face into the blanket . She didn't seem to notice me.

"Oh. What was it about" Caroline asked still on Elizabeth

"About Ty-" she stopped when she saw me.

"Toy R us. " she said fast

"Toy r us? " asked Caroline.

"Yeah, I like that place so much that I dream about it" she said insecure.

"Hey,Elizabeth you wanna go roller skating?" I asked.

Caroline finally got off Elizabeth

"Why?" Asked Elizabeth

"To have fun" I said.

I didn't want to tell her that we will be talking about Aaron. if I did she wouldn't come with me. So I had to lie. DONT JUDGE ME!

"Ok." She said smiling.

Elizabeth's POV

I was roller skating with Tyler. And the minute I got in the arena I skated away. But, you see, Tyler on the other hand is not as good as me so I had to hold his hand to teach him.

"Left, right, left" I said

Then BOOM! We fell on our butts. We started laughing. I helped him up.

"You know, you are pretty good........ At falling." I said laughing.

"Yeah,yeah very funny." He said

We looked into each other's eyes. And started backing up he was following me. He was skating!!!!!

"Your doing it!" I yelled

He looked down surprised .

"I guess your a good motivator." He said

It made me blush .a lot . That I had to put my hand over my face.

"Hey. Don't hide it. I know your blushing " he said

I took off my hand from my face and started giggling.

"Come on let's order a pizza" he said.

We sat on a round table.

"I can't believe that Zach and Caroline kissed!" Tyler said angry but surprised.

"You can't tell her I told you tho." I said

"Don't worry, it would be our
little secret." He said 

And once I again I giggled.

"" He started.

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