Chapter 12

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Elizabeth's POV

When I got inside the car, Chris asked me thousands of questions. Some of his questions, "why was he there? Did he hurt you again? Can I beat him up?"


I went to Cathy's house a bit early . A while later, people started arriving. I was nervous waiting for Chris . "what if he doesn't come, what if he canceled and sent me a text and I haven't seen it yet?!" I said to my self , freaking out .
I was talking to Cathy when Caroline tapped me on the back then pointed at Chris . OMG! He was the prince!!!!! I ran up to him and hugged him. He picked me up and spinned me around.
"My lady, may I say ,how beautiful you are tonight"
I blushed, why did I have to blush!
"Well, thank you my prince." I said
We stared into each other's eyes .
Then Tyler entered through the door. Chris looked at Tyler angry.
"Hey" said Tyler trying to be friendly.
Chris looked at me
"Let's go say hi to Cathy " he said
I nodded and we both headed to Cathy .

5 hours later.
1:00 am

Tyler left with Caroline . I think he went to drop of Caroline at her house. She was drunk. AGAIN. A few minutes later , everybody left to trick or treat but we didn't go.
"Did I tell you how beautiful, you look" said Chris.
He made me blush again.
"I need to tell you something " he said
"I like you, and I wanted to know if you could me mine and be my girlfriend . And I totally understand if you say no and -"
I interrupted him.
"Yes" I said happily.
He smiled then he started getting closer . It was happening our first kiss was about to happen.
We kissed.
I loved every minute of it.
My night was amazing

I was  moving on

Caroline's POV

I woke up .

I didn't open my eyes .
I didn't want to let my kidnapper know that I was awake .

I reached for the pocket knife in my pocket that I always Carried .
I wasn't going to kill him just yet , I wanted to torture this pedophile .

Wait maybe he wasn't a pedophile what if I was kidnapped by some 12 year old creep ?!

No , Caroline focus .

I took in a deep breath ,curled up my fists and went for the kidnapper.

I started punching him with my eyes closed I didn't want to hesitate just invade he was incredibly hot and I didn't want to think about messing up his godly face .
"Linny ! Linny ! Stop !"
"You idiot , how dare you-"
Wait I knew that voice

I opened my eyes
He smiled
I slapped him across the face

" You idiot !"
"Ok I deserve that , but -"
OH MY GOD , Ms Jennings is gonna be so disappointed!

" We're in barnie's name are we ?"
" On our way to Texas "
"WHY ?!"
"To find Emily "
"Oh no no no no , don't drag me into this "
" Please Caroline she's your friend , I need someone to come with me and you need this "
"Uh uh , not after you got me drunk "
"I did that so you will come "
I just glared at him
" please ? "
Well.. Emily is my friend and it might be fun....
"Okay fine "
" But I have my conditions "
"Oh boy "
" I get to pick the music and if I wanna stop to eat , WE STOP TO EAT "
He grunted
"Fine "
" Your so childish "
" Jerk "
"But I'm a hot jerk you get to see your pink rainbow polka dot Dino's "

"Wait what ? "

2 hours later

I was currently putting music on my phone and ignoring the phone calls from my parents ,Shane and everyone else . SCREW THEM .

" Change that "
" Remember our deal"
I was currently playing baby by Justin Bieber just to annoy him
" Baby baby baby ohhhh!!!!"
"Okay fine "
This next song he was sure gonna sing along to
I played lover by spice girls and he looked at me and smiled that was Shane's Tyler's and my song .
We both started singing

The road trip kept on going like that
We stopped to eat and played games and for like the first time in a long time I saw Tyler happy. We were now talking about once upon a time .

" I really don't want Emma to turn bad"
" me either"
" Oh my god hook is so hot "
He rolled his eyes
"But not as hot as Dylan o Brien"
Said Tyler and we just started cracking up .

I had 16 missed calls from my mom ,20
From my dad 31 from Shane , 19 from Cathy and 24 from Elizabeth.

And just as I was about to turn off my phone the most unexpected thing happened .

It was Zach
I was hesitant to answer but being the badass spontaneous person I am , I did
Tyler looked at me with a surprised look
"Caroline ! I know where you are I'm coming to get you "
He hanged up

"Oh shit"

Caroline when are you gonna learn
Hehe. Zach might or might not become  a BIG part in this story so pay attention.

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