Chapter 17

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Chris's POV

Me and Elizabeth were playing tennis Wii. And she looks to cute waving a invisible tennis racket. When she was done she looked at me out of breath

"I love you." I said with all my heart.

"Wow, that was quite a exercise. I'm gonna get some water" she said.

It hurt that she didn't say it back. What if she still has feelings for Tyler. Don't be silly Chris ! Elizabeth loves you.

I hope.

Elizabeth's POV

I've been thinking about Tyler for the last few days. And it's got me worried, do I still have feelings for him? Today Chris told me that he loved me. I felt insecure of saying it back.
I called Caroline and told her about this.

"Hallo!"said Caroline

"Hey. Umm. Can I tell you something?" I said


"I think I still have feelings for-" I said then Caroline interrupted me.

"Tyler." She said

"Yeah. How you know?"

"Kinda obvious"

"It is. Damn."

"Yeah. You literally stare at him in math ALL the time"

"I do?" I said


I heard a door bell

"Someone's at the door. Thanks for tell me it was obvious. I hope that will help me not be obvious."I said

"Yeah, I don't think so. You are always obvious. But you can try."

I laughed

"Call you later." I said


I hanged up. And went downstairs and opened the door. It was Chris.

"Hey? I didn't know you were coming over today" I said confused

"I just need to ask your something that's been haunting me "


"Do you have feeling for Tyler?" He said

"No....I don't know. But it's okay I can get over it" I said insecure

"Elizabeth, I can't be with someone that still thinks they have feelings for their ex."

"Chris, please" I said holding back my tears.

"I think we should take some time off"he said

It hurt. A lot to hear him say that.

"Ok." I said tearing up.

He walked away. The minute I closed the door the tears just came running.

Sebastian was sitting in the couch and he heard the whole thing.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He said.

"I don't wanna talk to anyone." I said still crying.

I went running to my room. Locked the door.
I'm pretty sure I'll be locked in this room for days, Crying............

Emily POV
I was walking to the local park around my house and saw Daniel writing in a journal.I never knew he wrote.I mean we always talked and stuff but Rumors were around that he had a crush on me.I walked over to him.
"Hi" I said

"Oh hey"

"What you writing?"


"Oh come on let me see "I grabbed the notebook and saw what he wrote

"You write poetry?"

"Its nothing" he grabs it back

"Okay well haven't see you around school anymore ,what happened" I said curiously

"Oh I kinda got expelled"


"its was nothing don't worry"

"Ok well maybe we should get some ice cream sometime" I gave him my phone number and after walked away.
Daniel POV
I've been expelled for a couple of weeks now and I didn't like it
My dad made me get a job at burger king.Just one dumb mistake I made ruined everything. I was having a rough time ever since my mom died,I was so mad I put on my anger to Elizabeth.I feel so bad I did that.I mean I never done anything wrong until that time.I couldn't even get to see Emily.I heard she came back to the school. I had a crush on her ever since 7th grade.I went to the park to write some poetry. Yes I write poetry because it calms me down ok.I sat down and started writing,I looked up and saw Emily swinging on the swings.She looked so beautiful It felt like It was only her and I at the park.I stopped looking because it felt like I was a stalker.She came over  to me and I freaked out.but you know being the cool guy i am ,we talked.she asked me about why I got expelled  but I didn't want to tell her just yet. But she asked me out for ice cream and gave me her phone number.when she left I ran to my house and jumped all around my house.My younger sister,Lux asked me what's wrong and I said you won't understand. She said
"I may be only 14 but I know a lot more than you."
she has  attitude.

Daniel will be important later. Just remember me saying that. ;)

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