Chapter 16

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Elizabeth's POV

I got a text message from Shane saying that Caroline and Tyler came back. I was so relieved , but SUPER mad that they left without letting anybody know! I swear, if I see Tyler I was going to KILL him. Tyler will be ok, if He just kept his distance.

Anyways, today was Sunday. I was going to have a sleepover with Cathy tonight but I had to go to the doctor to have a check up. So I got ready and when To open the door, there was Tyler .  I thought that if I saw him I would kick him but I found my self hugging him instead. But of course after I slapped him.

" ok, yeah I deserved that" he said after I slapped him.

"WHERE WERE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"WHY THE HELL..........You know what I don't even care why you were there I'm just happy that you are okay."

I smiled, he smiled back.

After the check up:

I was going to the parking lot and I went to find my car when I looked, a guy was standing next to my car. I didn't recognize who until I got closer.

"Zach?! What.....what are you doing here?!I said very surprised.

"Just checking in"

And he got into his car and drove off.
I had to cancel Cathy. I was freaking out.


I  registered Sebastian into the school.
" Wow a lot of people are registering to school today" said the receptionist

" Really ? Cool "

" Here are your papers  honey !"

" thanks" said Sebastian

Meanwhile I was thinking of how I would tell everyone that Zach is back

Caroline POV

Me and Shane got to school and Everyone was asking why Me Tyler and Emily were absent .

We went through all our periods until it was time for lunch .

We all sat at or usual lunch table
When Elizabeth comes in with Chris .She looked like she just murdered someone .Wow that girl needs to do yoga .

" He-hey guys " said Elizabeth
" hey " we all said 
" Yeah hi "
I know this girl and she was acting weird
" What's wrong Elizabeth "
" Um... Well ..... I've been wanted to tell you guys something ."
Then Chris spoke
" What is it ?"
" Well um Zach ...."
Tyler raised an eyebrow
" He's back "

No shit Sherlock

" Yeah I know " I said 

"Wait what ?

" Yeah " said Tyler

" Wait who's Zach " asked  Chris

We just ignored his question

" Yeah he was in Texas" said Emily

" Wait ... "

Chris looked super confused . Hehe what a dummy

" Nobody tells me anything " he put and put his face in his hand

Speaking of the fucking devil .... Guess who just walked through the cafeteria doors !

The one ! The only! Zach Mathews !

" I didn't know he was in school !" Said

" What do we do ?! He's gonna beat me up ! " said Tyler

" Wait why is he gonna-" Chris started but I interrupted

" Hide !" I said

I ducked under the table and so did everyone .... Well except for Chris

While I was trying to look like wood Chris  just  said ,

" WHO IS ZACH ????!!!"

When he said that Zach looked our way

I'm going to rip that pretty boys hair off

And Elizabeth pulled Chris  under the table .

" Um.... I see you guys "

We all go up very slowly

" Heyyyy Zach ....."

We all sat back down and Zach sat next to Tyler

" What's up "

" Its a Disney Pixar animated film featuring a senior citizen and a young boys adventure to South America ."

" Haha very funny Caroline "

" I know "

After lunch Zach followed me around . The girls looked at me like I was some fake Prada shoes .

The day went on with the armpit following me around .

I went to my house and the sight I saw was terrifying

He was my neighbor .  The . Armpit . Is .my .fucking .neighbor .

  God  kill me now . If you have any mercy over my soul ,let me go out now ,let me go out peacefully.


" Caroline lets go give this welcome cake to the neighbors !"

"Oh please have mercy " I looked up at the sky as I said that
Guys. Are you exited?!

Love HappensTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon