Chapter 13

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Emily's POV
I was so mad at Tyler, I mean he said he missed me  because Elizabeth left him.I watched some Netflix to calm me down.When Sam got home she went to a pillow and screamed. I asked her what's wrong and she said he was weird and kept talking about peanut butter. I started to laugh but then I told her about Tyler.She said that she is gonna call him and yell at him.I stopped her and we kept talking about what happened back home .Then Elizabeth called me.
"Hi" I said
"Im sorry I -" she interrupted me
"It's okay." She said.
" So about Tyler......"I started
"Stop, stop do not talk about Tyler."
"We shouldn't let a boy come between us I mean come-on we are friends right"
"Yea I guess"
"Where are you?You have been absent for days."
"I can't tell you I'm sorry"
"Its ok"
"Well I guess I should be going bye"

Well that was awkward

Elizabeth's POV

I have to pick up my Cousin Sebastian from the airport after school. Sebastian is from New York and he was going to move over here. Until he gets a job and gets back on his feet he is going to stay in the guest room at my house. I love Sebastian, he is one of my favorite cousins.

After school:

I was on my way to the airport. I called Emily and forgave her . It felt like a big weight of my chest just lifted . It felt good. Anyways, I was where you wait for the people to come out. The minute I saw Sebastian I ran and hugged him.
"Eli !" he said
"Seb!!!" I said

When we got to the house I got a text from Cathy :

Hey sleepover Sunday? Tradition?

Of course :)


Tyler's POV

"I know where you are I'm gonna go get you "


He hanged up

" Oh shit " said Caroline

We both just stayed silent . Wow Zach Mathews . The Zach Mathews that's just incredible.

" What are you gonna do? "

" What do you mean ? You don't actually thin hes gonna come get me do you ?"

Well he was into with Caroline, although they never admitted it.

"I don't know Linny"

" I mean his ass must be jealous of the amount of shit that came out of his mouth , it's probably Shane doing a stupid prank "she said

" Linny i know he got us all in some deeep shit but-"

I inmedeatly stopped , we had all agreed to not ever talk about that , plus if looks could kill the look Caroline gave me would've probably had me killed me twice

" You know what I was right not to answer all the calls , they just screw up everything so lets forget about this and have some fun!"

That's the Caroline I knew,spontaneous and care free

Then she gave me a look and stood up and stook her head out the sunroof

" Stop! Your going to get us in Jail!"

" Shut up and turn that song on louder !"

I did as she said and just enjoyed the moment .. We better enjoy the fun moments we have left because when we get back its gonna be hell.

1 hour later we got to Dallas.

Damm it was hot here !

We got to the neighborhood I knew Emily would be at, I knew her best friend was a girl named Sam , then I just had Caroline do some research and we found her address.

We had to walk cause the car ran out of gas, Caroline was practically fainting from the heat

She was hallucinating or something because she started singing this to the tune of spiderman:

"Caroline , Caroline

Who's the awesomest ?

Caroline ! "

We finally got to he house , I knocked on the door and nobody answered , I knocked again, no one .

I didn't want to be rude so I waited, But Caroline had another idea.

" Open up !!!!" And she banged her fists on the door .

We heard shuffling and Emily opened the door

She looked out mostly and utterly shocked.

" Ty- Tyler ?" "Caroline? "

" Surprise " We both said at he same time

" Did you guys come all the way here for me ?!"

No shit sherlock

" Haha no we were just passing by the neighborhood and decided to come say hi " said Caroline

Emily rolled her eyes

We came inside and after a lot of explaining and a good smack in the head by Caroline she agreed to come back .

We Stayed the night at Sam's house and got to know her , she's pretty cool.

Then we headed back with Sam, she wanted to come with us ,not before going to the fair.

Then shit started happening

Which is your favorite character so far? :p

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