Chapter 49

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Caroline POV

I tossed in my bed and hit something hard. I got alarmed thinking a random pervert was next to me but then I remembered it was just Zach. Well the pervert part is true.

He threw his huge ass arm on top of me and pulled me toward him.

"Good morning Car" he said with his eyes closed and a half asleep voice.

"Good morning armpit" he opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Armpit?" Holy Saint Louis, I had never called him armpit out aloud before.

"I have no idea what your talking about"  I said and he rolled over

"Well that's a new one....armpit" I smirked
"It's actually not new at all" he whipped his head toward me

"What? How long have you called me this?!" I gave him a big fake smile

"Since the day I met you" he immediately jolted up from the bed his bare skin illuminated by the sun coming through the window.

" Almost four years and I never knew !"

"Well no one knew only Shane" still shocked he picked up his shirt and put it through his head.

" did only slip out now?"

"I was to comfortable I guess"he smirked at wiggled his eyebrows. Stupid pervert. Then a thought came to my mind, that made me jump up and start to get ready. As I was getting into the shower Zach said
"What the hell are you doing"

"Getting ready to slap Elizabeth across the head" he seemed to remember something

" Can I at least come in the shower with you !" I slammed the door in his face.

After I got ready I ran to my car where Zach was already waiting.

"What are you doing here" he smirked as he kissed me.
"I don't want to miss the show" I rolled my eyes but got into my car and let him drive ,when we pulled up at Elizabeth's house I got out of the car and battled into her house with Zach right behind me. Elizabeth jolted up while Rose just stared at the armpit.

I ran up to Elizabeth and tackled her.
"Pregnant ?! How idiotic are you!"
She just looked confused and then seemed to realize something.

"No no Caroline! It's not like that!"

"Then how is it! I thought your supposed to be the one scolding me !" Zach appeared with Rose following him like a puppy and at that moment Tyler came in and as I smelled his obnoxious cologne I jolted up like a rabid animal and tackled him.

"You Idiot ruined her life!" He looked at me with an extremely confused face.

"What?" I rolled my eyes and pointed at Elizabeth's stomach.

"You got her pregnant!" He whipped his head toward Elizabeth.

" WHAT !" Elizabeth widened her eyes and shook her arms around like a mad man.

"No no no! Let me explain! It was a joke! Me and Rose were prank calling people yesterday!"

She got me worried for nothing. I woke up and got ready for nothing. I wasted  my energy on attacking Elizabeth and got out of my bed while I was accompanied by a hot guy.

I sprang at her but Tyler stood in front and Zach grabbed me by the waist. I shoved Zach and sprang at Elizabeth again. But the armpit soon recovered and grabbed me again. I struggled against his grip.

"You Lying prick! I thought your life was over!" Before I could shove him him again, The armpit kissed me and rubbed circles in my shoulders with his thumb. I sighed and grumbled

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