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*After 5 years*

I struggled to get past through the crowd of people gathered around something I don't know and care about.

I quickly walked over to the bridge, the place where I finally had some time to think over stuff.

I just got a job and was pretty happy about it but something was missing, maybe that smile that would've played on Zarish's face when I would've told her about it, maybe the feeling I would've got when she would've hugged me because of happiness?

Something felt missing, and maybe I won't ever be able to fill in that missing piece.

I sat down on the bench, and plucked in my earphones, a song played on my mobile that I listen to whenever I'm depressed, I don't know why, It gave me a comforting feeling inside whenever the words used to ring in my mind.

I closed my eyes and thought over my life and how messed up it has been since her death.

In these 5 years, I failed to forget her, her memories still haunt me and never let me sleep peacefully. 3 months without her and it still felt like she's right by my side. Standing somewhere with that beautiful smile on her face and I'm too blind to see her.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly opened my eyes to see who it was at this time, I felt a bit annoyed at however it was to disturb me and my thoughts of her.

"Hussain Asif? What are you doing here?" I saw the same girl I saw a couple days earlier, asking me this question with those big brown eyes wide open, I looked at her for a moment and realized her as Farah Ahmad, she used to be in some of my classes. We weren't really friends, she was just another girl in my class at that time because I was too into Zarish to even look at any other girl.

I decided not to reply since her question was quiet weird.

"I-um, I heard about your wife." She looked carefully at me with a apologizing look in her eyes, I took in a sharp breathe at as I was already fed up with these dry sympathies of people.

"I know we don't really know each other but I see you getting worse day by day Hussain. You should move on." She stated as anger rose up in me all of a sudden.

"Who are you to tell me what to do and what not? You don't know anything, you won't understand it!" I nearly shouted at her, making her flinch a bit.

"I do Hussain! You really should move on, there's nothing left in sticking up with the past!" She exclaimed making me smile at her innocence.

"Everybody's got a past. The past doesn't equal the future unless you live there." I looked at her, speaking in a flat tone.

"Hussain, It's not only you who have got a rough past. I-When I was 15, I lost my parents in a accident and I don't even know what really happened! Till this day, after 10 years I still have this need to find out their reason for their death. I was left all lone and I faced the hardships all alone! It was hard but I moved on, I started a new life." She took in a deep breathe after completing, as I could feel her heart beat race.

Her eyes held so many emotions in them; Pain, guilt, grief, but most of all was that proud feeling that made me amused. She was proud of what she did, I would be too.

I sighed, "Why are you even telling me all of this?" I asked .

"Look around you Hussain. You'll find people who care for you and who love you." With that she got up and walked away.

"You're brokenness and past has made you too bling Hussain." She spoke one last time, the sad smile on her face and a emotion in her eyes which I couldn't recognize.

What did she mean?

I shook my head and got up, making my way to the house. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket as I took it out and looked at the caller ID; Shehry.

"Man, I missed you! So tell me, how's my sister-in-law? Are you even planning to have some kids or not bro? Its been a long time!" I threw questions at him with wide eyes.

He laughed loudly at the other end, " Hussain, you've got to be kidding me? you know we're not ready yet!" He whispered, I could feel his cheeks going all red right now as I chuckled a bit.

I missed laughing whole heartily like I used to. This thought formed a grim expression back on me.

"By the way Hussain, did you even get this job or not? Man you have to get busy with stuff or else I'm coming there one way or another!" He threatened as he knew this was the only threat that took some action from me.

"Yeah Shehry, i got a job today." I smiled as I could feel the happiness in his voice as he thanked God.

"Alright listen?" He spoke, his voice was serious now, making me frown at this sudden change of mood.

"Do you remember Sara? She used to be in our school?" He asked as I nodded and realized that he can't see me so opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

"I-I talked to her yesterday, she's a really good girl Hussain." He spoke as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So?" I asked rudely as I knew this was again one of his 'Think about her, and move on with her' thingy.

"Well.." He started but I cut him off.

"Shehry no, please, I already told you I'm not ready to move on."

"But Hussain, you have to move on someday! you have to start a proper life! Have a family!" He whispered shouted, trying to convince me but I shook my head at his ridiculous talk that I had to hear every time I talked to him.

I sighed, "Shehry I have to go, I'll talk to you later?" I asked, hoping to have a positive reply as I heard him take a deep breathe in, he knew that I hated this talk but he always brought it up.

"Look I'm sorr-" And again I had to cut him off.

"No seriously, I have to go! Bye!" I stated and with out a word ended the call.

I groaned at my brother, but today was something different.

People are telling me to move on a lot now, I'm getting fed up of this one word!

I shrugged it off and continued to walk back to the house where I always dreaded to go, that small building had so many memories joined with itself.

Move on? that's never going to happen.


So the journey ends here. It was really good to be with ya'll here and all of your support and mann, I know how it feels to loose a main character of the story, I've been through these time and so don't worry, I've got something planned up for ya'll and that is...

A Sequel for Sirf Tumharay Liye!

Yep, it's gonna be up soon, I'll let ya'll know about it soon InshaAllah :)

Once agan, I love you for your support and everything! Thank you so much guys! Stay blessed everyone.

Hate to leave but have to so, Bye! :( Love ya'll :(

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