Chapter 30.

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"Zarish, k-kiya hua?" I heard somebody's voice but I was too caught up in my own thoughts to see who it was.

I saw him, for the first time after so many days, I saw him. Although it was just a glimpse of him, but it was enough for me. I just couldn't get him out if my mind.

He looked so broken, he looked skinnier than before and had those big dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were puffy and he had bruises all over his body. I just can't forget this sight. I was the one who did this, it all happened because of me. He shouldn't be beaten up, I should! I was the one because of whom he is in pain, he's suffering so much for me, I don't deserve this. I really don't.

"Zarish!" I felt somebody firmly place their hand on my shoulder and shake me violently, snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

"What?" I snapped, hating Maria right now. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, I wanted to sink in my own thoughts and eventually drown myself in them.

"What happened back there?" Her voice was filled with concern as she tried to find answers from my eyes but I looked away, gulping down the lump formed in my throat.

"N-nothing happened, t-they're saying to get 15,000$ to-to bail him out." I tried to find the right words and to hide what else happened, although I won't be able to hide it much longer, I need to let it out or else these thoughts would eat me up.

"It'll take forever to get that much amount!" Shehry gasped and looked at me as I pressed my lips in a thin line.

"It won't." Was all I said, and strode over to the car, opened the back door and sat in, praying that they won't ask anything, I won't be able to hide it for too long.

Maria's p.o.v:

Something was off about her, she was hiding something. Something which was very important and disturbing for her. I need to find it out, I'll ask her about this today.

"15,000$, How will she get such a big amount? And she says that she'll get it as if it's a piece of cake?" Shehry whispered as I saw her sit in the car, she rested her head from the headrest and closed her eyes, her eye brows furrowed. She was thinking about something which was disturbing her. I can't see her like this.

"I don't know, but right now we need to head home, I hope nobody would be awake by now." I sighed, dully and made slow steps towards the car.

"What's up with you?" He quickly asked, turning me around to face him.

"What?" I asked, completely unknown of what he meant.

"You seem off. Zarish did too, what happened to you both all of a sudden. Is-is something wrong? Tell me I'll try to-" I cut him off by wrapping my arms around him, I suddenly felt much better as he wrapped his arms around me too. I hide my face in his chest, wanting nothing but to get out of this reality and live in the fantasy, it would be much better there.

He cared so much, I felt guilty that I will never be able to be with him. In the end we'll have to part ways, my family is no different than Zarish's. Although I've got more time than her, but I don't know what I'll do when that time comes, I don't know if I'll ever be able to stand up for myself, for my love.

"I'm-I'm fine, just a little stressed." I tried to reason, I sounded very unconvincing but he just nodded and stepped back, placing his hand on my cheek he peered into my eyes. Concern could be clearly seen in them.

"Take some sleep while I drive, okay?" He whispered softly, bringing tears to my eyes at how much he cared, and at how helpless he looked at this time. Of course he will, his brother is in the jail and he's all alone. Not being able to do anything.

Despite the sharp pain in my head I nodded, and I felt as If the whole world spinned around me but I ignored it.

We quickly sat down in the car, nobody spoke a single word. There was complete silence, and it was the only comfortable thing at this time. I closed my eyes and thought,

Something happened to Zarish and I'm going to ask her what, until she spills it out to me.

Whenever I'm happy with me life, something bad happens and now we all are helpless. I don't even know how she'll get the money.

Shehry looks so broken, he doesn't look like he used to, his cheery and happy self is long gone, now if he seems to smile, it looks fake. I don't know what to do, who to help.

Ya Allah koi tou rasta nikalain yeh sab khatam karnay ka. Kuch tou karain.

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