Chap. 61

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As I started the next episode of The Carrie Diaries on Netflix, a knock came on my bedroom door.

"Busy!" I called out.

My door pushed open, and Bryce was standing there, a smirk on his face.

"This is what you call busy?"

He was wearing a pair of khaki pants and a red button-up flannel, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms.

I let out a laugh, pulling a pillow over my face. "Go away."

He climbed into bed next to me, nuzzling his face into my neck. "I'm taking you out."

"I'm in my pajamas."

"Well then I'm either taking you out in your pajamas or you better put something on. Either way is fine by me."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

I glanced up at him, and he was just smiling at me, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I hate you."

"Hurry up my love."

"Will I like it?"

"I certainly hope so."

"More than The Carrie Diaries? Because I doubt it."

"I'm going to go ahead and go out on a limb here and say yes."

"I don't believe you."

He just chuckled. "You're wasting time."

I pulled myself up out of bed, casting him a look before trudging over my to closet.

I decided on a teal romper with an Aztec type print, along with a pair of wedges with a teal strap and a brown wedge.

I let my hair down from my messy bun, applying some makeup and then accentuating my curls with my curling wand.

Bryce watched in fascination, always curious when I did my makeup.

"I don't understand," he mused. "Why do you outline your lips before you put on the lipstick?"

"It helps with a smoother finish."

"So confusing."

I just chuckled, turning to face him. "Well are we going to do this then?"

An excited smile lit up his face. "Yes!"

We headed downstairs, where there was a vase of wild flowers sitting on my counter.

"I brought those for you," Bryce said, with a boyish smile.

"They're gorgeous."

"Are you guys headed out?" mom asked me, with an excited smile.

"Why do you know where we're going?" I questioned.

"I don't."

"You lie."

"Have fun."

I gave Bryce a look, and he just smiled at me, that stupid smile.

I swiped my keys off the counter, leading Bryce out to my car.

"You'll have to tell me where we're going so I can drive us there," I reminded him.

"I'll have to tell you where to turn and when, but I don't need to tell you the destination," he declined, with a smirk.

I let out an annoyed sigh, to which Bryce just laughed.

I drove to the destination completely blind, Bryce instructing me where to go as he fiddled with the radio.

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