chapter 26

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 well i think you guys are going to like this chapter but i guess i am going to have to wait and see but i am kinda nervous

Chapter 26.....

I walked through the door still reeling from what my mom asked me and still having no clue what to do.


"Aubrey, how do you feel about moving back in with me?"

I stare at her not sure if i heard her right. The waiter set down our food and asked if we needed anything else but i just shook my head. "What?" I asked slowly.

"i asked, if you would like to move back in with me?" She asked again.

I open my mouth to answer but nothing come's out. How do i feel about that? Well i know i would miss Landon so much. "Mom, i have to think about this okay?"

"No problem, hun. I know it's a lot to take in and soon. So take as much time as you want." She pats my hand.


I walked down the hallway towards my room, closing the door behind me and walked over to my bed falling on my back. I stared up at the ceiling thinking. What if i do move back in with my mom? I mean, i have been thinking about moving again. I just feel like i stayed here long enough, i just dont want to over stay my welcome. Plus like Jane said Landon's been distracted a lot lately. Could that be because of me?

A smile came to my lips when a heard the door creak open and the bed shift beside me. I knew it was Landon because of the shock and comfort and tingles that came over me. He lay on his side laying an arm across my stomach. I snuggled into his neck where his shoulder met his neck. I sighed in two reasons. One, in content and the other in confusion. I know I have to figure this out but right now I just want to lay here in his arms and forget about every bad thing.

But this is reality and in reality you can’t sit back and pretend nothing is happening. You have to go in head first. So I took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. Then I sat up and got up. I looked back at him, seeing his confused look and the small smile on his lips. The way his hair is messed up, clearly he’s been running his finger’s throw it again.

I lick my lips and looked down at my hands and said, “Landon, my mom asked if I wanted…if I wanted to move back in with her.”

I didn’t look up but I heard him get up off the bed but nothing else. I glanced up and saw him standing on the other side of the bed just looking at me, not making a move to come closer. “What did you tell her?” he asked, keeping his voice calm and no emotion showed on his face.

“I told her I had to think about it.” I whispered.

Again I heard nothing. He just stood there staring at me with no emotion. “You have to think about it?” he asked.

“I might actually think it’s a good idea.” Again I whispered.

Now he makes noise. He scoffs and then laughs. I looked up at him confused. “Why are you laughing? Landon, we need to talk about this.” I tell him.

He looks over at me. “It looks like you already made up your mind.”

I shake my head. “No I haven’t Landon. That’s why I am talking to you about this. I said it might be a good idea. Key word, might. I haven’t made up my mind.” I said walking over to him. I put my hand on his arm but he just pulls away, taking a step back.

“Do you want to leave?” he asked me not even looking at me.

“Of course not, Landon. But just because I don’t want to doesn’t mean I shouldn’t.” I told him.

my life as Aubrey (currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now