Chapter 32)You're no Good

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Lily's POV

"Yeah um we decided to tell our fans about our relationship." I smiled, I looked back at Joe who seemed extremely nervous and uncomfortable.

"You choose to post pictures of you kissing?" His eyebrows lifted in a puzzled look.

"Well yeah, best proof." I shrugged starting to feel bad about the pictures.

"I see the influence you have on my daughter is great." My dad said looking directly at Joe.

"I ugh." Joe struggled to think of what to say.

"Dad I came up with the idea it's fine. Now Joe this is my father Daniel, and father this is Joe." I smiled.

Joe reached out his hand and shook my father's.

"Why don't me and you have a chat later after dinner?" My dad said seriously, you could tell by his tone it really wasn't a question.

"Yes sir sounds great." Joe smiled, he put his arm around my waist matching my father's stare.

"Well dinner's ready." My step mom, Shanon, beamed.

"Come on." I pulled Joe into the dining room, where Maya and Mayson were already sat.

"Can we please take my picture now?" Maya laughed.

"Yes alright, what should we do?" I smiled.

"I don't know." Maya laughed, we ended up taking a picture of Joe and I kissing Maya's cheeks.

"Perfect." Mayson said showing us the picture.

"Beautiful, good job MayMay." I said high fiving him.

We all sat down as Shanon and my father placed the food on the table.

"Alright dig in." She smiled.

We all grabbed our food, I looked at the table and smiled. My father was at the head of the table, Maya and I were on one side, while my step mom and Mayson were on the other, and Joe was on the other end of the table.

"Lily have you found a Job?" My father started, here we go again.

"Dad, Youtube is my Job. I'm working on my music but I don't know if I want to do anything with it." I simply stated, we had had this conversation many times, each time he never really listened.

"Joe, what are you going to do if Youtube doesn't end well?" My father asked, staring Joe down.

"Well before I was a Youtuber I thatched roofs, in my village, so I might just do that again I suppose." Joe smiled, he did very well for being put on the spot.

"Interesting." My dad spoke, nothing was ever enough for him.

"Lily dear you do have to visit more often, we love when you visit." Shanon changed the subject smiling at me. "You as well Joe, I like you very much." She added, making Joe's smile grow.

We ended dinner quickly and sat at the table in an extremely awkward silence.

"Should we go have that chat now?" My dad asked quickly standing up.

"Sounds good." Joe said following my father out of the house.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." My stepmom reassured.

"Yeah." I simply said watching through the window as they walked further down the path. Please dad just leave Joe alone, I pleaded to myself before helping my stepmom with the dishes.


Joe's POV

I closed the door behind me and followed Lily's dad, as we started to walk on a path that appeared to lead down to the lake.

"So Joe, what are your plans with my daughter?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"Well sir, I really love her and want to be with her for the rest of my life." I spoke truthfully, Lily was my forever.

"I see, that's quite a shame now isn't it." He said shaking his head.

"Excuse me, I don't think I heard you right." I said laughing.

"No you heard me right, it's a shame I said." He stopped in his tracks looking back at me.

"How is it a shame sir that I'm in love with your daughter." I asked getting slightly angry.

"That's just it, you think you're in love. What can I do to get you to stay away from her?" He asked.

"I don't understand, what are you trying to do?" I asked my anger continuing to rise.

"I'm trying to create the best life for my daughter that I can, this is just a phase, this YouTube thing. Just like you are a phase, soon she will move on and find a more suitable husband I approve of. Now what will it take to get you to stay away from her? Money?" His words were venom, how could he think I wasn't good for her?

"I don't think you understand sir. I am the best thing for her, and she's the best thing for me. I'm in love with your daughter, real love, and nothing will get me to stay away from her when she loves me back. Not money, or bribes, because I truly care about her and I never want to hurt her. So I think it's best if she continues this trip without me, and then we will go back to England together. We'll eventually move into our own place and get married, and it would be an honor if you walked her down the aisle. If you don't her stepfather or mother will because they support us, have a good life sir." I finished, walking away and back up the path, leaving her father behind full of confusion.

I walked into the house, and ran up the stairs to back my things. I started putting my clothes back into my bag and grabbed my pillow.

"Joe?" Lily asked her eyes full of confusion and sadness. "He told you to leave didn't he, what did he give you? Is he giving you money?" She asked tears in her eyes.

"Yes he asked me to leave, but I didn't accept his offers." I said pulling her onto the bed with me, I wrapped my hand around hers trying to reassure her.

"But why are you packing your bags?" She sobbed, tears freely falling.

"Because I think it will be best if I'm not here for this trip, I'll stay in a hotel while you spend time with your family. I think it's best if I'm just not here." I said putting my arm around her as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm not staying, he thinks he can control my life but he can't, I'm happy and yet he thinks he needs to fix that. Joe I love you, if he can't understand that or be okay with that, then I want nothing to do with him." She said getting more angry than sad.

"Lily he's your father, you can't just shut him out."

"Yes I can, it's not the first time he's done something awful like this, that's why I never visit him. It's time he understands he went too far, I'm cutting him off completely. Now, can we go home?" She asked looking at me with a shy smile.

"We don't have a home, I live with Caspar and you live with Zoe and Alfie." I laughed.

"Then let's get a home, I just want to be able to see you everyday." She smiled.

"Okay, we'll get a home." I smiled.

"Oh and a dog, please!" She laughed.

"Maybe." I laughed with her.

"Now let's get back to England."

"Yes, let's get back home." I smiled.


Word count : 1266

Wow I'm bad at updating and I'm sure you're tired of hearing me saying sorry, but one last time sorry.

Well that didn't end well with Lil's dad but they're going to move in together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Also thanks for 9k we're almost at 10k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Maddie <3

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