twenty + i love you

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"Hoseok wants to know where we went," Quinn stated, looking at her phone.

I pulled her closer to me, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck. "Just tell him that I'm treating my girlfriend to her birthday." I smiled at the word.

"Why would you want me to word it like that?"

"To let the world know that you're mine, and I'm yours." She smiled too, typing an answer and sending it before tossing her phone onto the nightstand. She turned to face me.

"So what now?" she asked.

"I think we should have sex."

A funny look spread across her face, and she raised her eyebrow. "Come again?"

"C'mon. I'm ready, I'm pretty sure you're ready too. Your dad actually likes me now. Plus we can use the condoms that your brother gave you. Please?" I begged, not giving a damn if I sounded immature or needy. I was needy.

Quinn caressed my cheek with her hand, a small smile on her face. "I think it's a bit early for that, don't you?" I pouted a little. "But, if it makes you feel better, we can take a bath together tonight?" I nodded, a small smile spreading on my face too.


"We just ate like an hour ago," I commented as Quinn dialed the number to the nearest pizza place. She scoffed.

"For your information, we ate an hour and a half ago," she corrected with an eye roll.

"My mistake, sorry."


"Damn it, Yoongi! I was in first place!" Quinn exclaimed with a frustrated groan.

"That's what you get for using a fucking green shell on me!" I yelled back, pressing at the buttons on my remote furiously.

"I hate you so much." She reached over and flicked me in the head. "How does Jin even like this game?"

"You only hate it because you lost," I said smugly, earning another flick to the head. "Hey! It's completely true!"

"You're such an ass, Yoongi."


"Where have you guys been?" Jin asked as he walked through the door.

"Here," we answered simultaneously, keeping our eyes locked on the tv screen. I groaned as the song ended and it showed our scores. I lost. Again.

"That's totally unfair; you're a dancer!" I exclaimed, and Quinn just smiled, taking a sip from her drink. "I hate this game."

"You only hate it because you lost," she smirked, using my own words against me. I groaned loudly again, and she laughed. "Jin would you care to join us?"

"What are you doing?" he asked hesitantly.

"We're playing Just Dance," I said. "You should play!"

Jin narrowed his eyes at me. "You just want me to play so you won't lose as badly."

"Psh.. no."


I tossed my third jellybean, Quinn easily catching it in her mouth. "Why are you so good at this?" I asked, throwing another.

"I practice. A lot," she said, before catching that one as well. I laughed as the fifth one hit her on the nose. "You jinxed me, damn it." I pulled her into a hug, leaving a soft kiss where the jellybean hit. She smiled, putting a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"You know, we're not even watching this movie," she commented, and I shrugged. It didn't matter to me, I was with her and that's all that mattered.

Quinn laid her head on my lap, now turning her attention to the screen. I didn't watch, but I played with her hair, attempting to braid it. I failed, of course, but I didn't care.

This girl, right here, was my world. Sure, she wasn't perfect, but then again, who is?

The credits rolled, and Quinn looked up at me. She smiled, booping my nose with her finger. I smiled in return, shaking my head. "How about we go take that bath now?"


"Either I'm really unobservant or this is new," I commented, tracing the ink on Quinn's back with my finger. I had been washing her back when I noticed the planets going down her back.

"Both," she laughed. "That one's new, but I have more."

"Really? How many?"

"Seven, now. I started getting them when I was eighteen, it's an annual tradition for myself." She shrugged, leaning back onto my chest. "They're all pretty small except for that one."

I nodded, wrapping my arms around her. It was tempting to just let my hands wander but I figured that wouldn't be the best idea. Surprisingly, I was able to control Agust D. "Tell me about your job," I said, rubbing small circles on her hip with my thumb.

"Oh my God, Yoongi, I love my job," she exclaimed, launching into different stories that had happened. I listened this time, because I didn't before, and I realized how much she loved what she did. And I loved that.

"What have you been up to? Anything new in the studio?" Quinn asked, and I felt a bit queasy.

"Ah, nothing much, really." Hooking up with your roommate. "I have started a few new projects, but I haven't had any inspiration to finish them," I said truthfully. Eventually I would tell her, but not yet, of course. In time.

"You'll have to show me," she said, and I nodded. There was silence, the only sound being our breathing. Neither of us really needed to say anything, so we didn't. We sat there for what seemed like forever, until the water turned cold and our skin was wrinkly. But I didn't mind one bit.

It was moments like this that I loved the most. It didn't matter if we were teasing each other or were in dead silence. It was her, and her alone that was needed to make a moment special. I hope she knew that.

She lit up my world like a star, brought the color to a black and white world. She was my favorite part in a song. She wad that suddenly beautiful warm day in a streak of cold weather. That feeling of euphoria when all that hard work has paid off.

Of course, I couldn't put that into words. Yet. But I hope she knew that, too. In the meantime, there's an alternative that will suffice.

"Baby," I said softly, shaking Quinn's arm slightly. She'd fallen asleep while I was lost in thought.


"I love you." She only hummed in response, but I knew what she meant.

the end.


so yeah, that brings stories from the studio to an end! i know that chapter was written kinda weird with all the time skips but yeah.
i'm saving all the words i have to say for the epilogue that'll be coming very soon, so yeah expect that

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