eighteen + forgotten

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"And.. we're done," Nari announced, setting the straightener down. I sighed with relief; I had been sitting there for three hours.

"Thank you so much," I said, standing up to stretch. She smiled at me.

"You look great," she complimented. Her smile faltered a bit. "I'm sorry I can't make it." I shook my head, and smiled.

"Nah, don't feel bad. It's alright." Nari pursed her lips but nodded. I checked my phone, seeing that the time read 7:47, and that I had a text from my brother. "Alright, well I'm heading out."

Slipping on the shoes that the boys (mainly Jin) had picked out for me, Nari and I exchanged goodbyes and I exited the apartment. Since they were heels, I cautiously made my way down the stairs.

"Someone's getting some tonight, aren't they?" Yongguk asked as I got in. I scoffed, hitting his arm. He just laughed, and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I just want to look nice," I said, pulling the dress down a little. The dress was white, mid thigh, and fairly tight. It definitely wasn't a dress that I'd usually wear, and it made me a bit self conscious, but Nari insisted that I wear it.

"You do, you do. A little too good for my liking," Yongguk commented, and I rolled my eyes.

"You remember the address, right?" I asked, and he nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. I looked out the window, watching the city landscape pass by. Involuntarily, my thoughts drifted to Yoongi.

In about an hour or so, he would be meeting with B-Free to discuss his music. Late last night, I had sent him a good luck text. He read it.

"Have you forgotten about the meeting B-Free?" Of course I haven't. But you did. "I'll need your support." I know, and you have it.

I just can't be there to give it.

Yongguk's car pulled up to the desired location, and he found a parking spot. We both got out, heading up to the building. "Hey, I'm gonna wait out here for anyone else so we can all go in together," he informed me, and I nodded.

"I have to go pick up my rentals, but I'll most like come back out here," I said, turning to leave. He caught my wrist before I could walk away.

"Hey," he said softly, squeezing my hand. "I'm so proud of you. Extremely proud." He smiled, and I returned it, giving him a hug.

I'm sorry, Yoongi-ah. But this is important to me too.

I detached from Yongguk and headed inside, the cool air welcoming. I was fortunate enough to attend an online college that offered a physical graduation ceremony, and a gown rental.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up a cap and gown rental," I said to the nearest employee. He looked up from his phone and pointed.

"Just find your name." I followed his instructions, shrugging on the gown and placing the cap over my head. Not bothering to zip it up, I checked the time on my phone again. The ceremony wasn't supposed to start until nine, and it was only a quarter past eight.

People rushed around me as I headed back outside, spotting my friends and family. Well, the boys specifically from their rowdy behavior.

"There she is!" my mother exclaimed, giving me a giant hug.

"Our little girl is all grown up," my dad said.

"Dad, you said that at my high school graduation," I commented, and he laughed, shrugging. There was lots of hugging and picture taking while we waited for the ceremony to begin.

"You look beautiful," Hoseok said, pulling me into a hug. "Look, I know he's not here but try not to think about it too much, okay? Not today." I nodded into his shoulder.

Spotting other graduates head in, I parted from my family and friends to head inside.

The ceremony was quite nice, with two musical presentations and several speeches. I tried to pay attention, but all I could think about was Yoongi. What was he doing now? How did the meeting go? I wish he were here.

Completely lost in thought, I almost miss my name being called. Walking up, I tried to shake Yoongi out of my mind. I couldn't let any negative thoughts get the best of me; it's not everyday you receive your bachelor's degree.

"Jin, you chose the worst shoes," I complained, rejoining the group. He shrugged.

"They make you look hot though," my sister commented. She leaned into my ear. "Is it for Hoseok?" I hit her arm.

"No." Natasha just laughed, putting her arm around me.

Like Jimin had said, we did party. Party meaning the location was my parent's house where the closest thing to alcohol was soda and club music was replaced with our bad karaoke. The dance floor was the living room, where we played Just Dance and V got scolded for going on the coffee table. It was almost perfect. Almost.

He should've been there, trying to sing IU's high notes with Jimin and play cliché rounds of truth or dare. He should've been there to accidentally fall asleep on the couch and be embarrassed by my parents. He should've.

But he wasn't, because he forgot.

Eventually the night had to come to an end, and I ended up spending the night at my parent's. In the morning, I went back to my apartment to change clothes.

"Where did you sleep last night?" Yoongi asked as I opened the door. I jumped, not expecting him to be sitting on the couch.

"At my parent's," I responded.

"Party that wild your brother had to come pick you up?" he said coldly. I sighed quietly. He still didn't remember.

"Oh yeah, the party was great," I said, setting down my keys. "The valedictorian really knows how to turn up." He furrowed his eyebrows. "And I really liked how it was a themed party; cap and gown."

"What are you trying to say?" I sighed with frustration.

"There was no party, Yoongi! I graduated yesterday." He was quiet for a moment, opening his mouth and then closing it.



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