nine + jeans

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y'all should anticipate chapter ten btw

"Did you two actually kiss behind your hat?" Amber asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed, shaking my head.


I lied.

Behind that hat, we actually did kiss, but it was a complete accident. We both came in too fast, and it kind of just happened. But, I couldn't really blame either of us; that dance was choreographed when we were dating, and we really would kiss at the end.

But God, dancing with Hoseok again was probably the highlight of my year so far, besides seeing him again.

"So do you want me to drop you off at yours, or do you just want to crash at mine?" Hoseok as I climb into the front seat, rubbing my eyes.

"You could just drop me off, I guess." I yawn and he nods, pulling away from Suga and Jin's apartment building.

The radio plays softly, the sun having set. City light illuminated the sky, and they danced across Hoseok's face as he drove. A small smile appeared on his face when he caught my gaze.

"Are you liking what you see?" he says, and I hit him in the arm. He just laughs, though, and I join in.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" Hoseok says, as I get out of the car. I nod, and we say our goodbyes. Using the key under the mat I unlock the door, but close it as soon as I hear a loud moan and spot the dress on the floor.

Hoseok was one of those people who always waited for you to actually get in your house before driving away, and I really appreciated that tonight as I ran back to his car.

"What's wrong?" he asked, confused as to why I was buckling my seat belt.

"Oh, nothing. I'd just prefer not to hear my roommate's moaning tonight; I don't think it'd be the best lullaby." He laughed and pulled away from the building, heading in the direction of his apartment.

"I have work tomorrow, so sleepy time is
now," I say as Hoseok unlocks his door. He chuckles a little and tosses his keys on the counter.

"You forget that I also have work, noona," he comments with a smile. "But I'll get you some clothes."

It's not long before we're both laying down, ready for bed. "Goodnight, Hoseok. Love ya." I give him a small kiss on the forehead, like I always do.

"Night, noona. Love you too." He reaches over and turns off his lamp.


"We're about the same size, right?" I ask, and Hoseok shrugs.

"Probably, why?"

"I need to borrow a pair of jeans for work," I explain, and he nods. There's a smell of food by the time I finally find a pair that has a decent fit. Hoseok sits at his counter on a barstool, eating an egg.

"Find some?" he asks, looking up. I nod, but purse my lips.

"Hoseok, none of your jeans fit well. I could barely get these on." I head into the kitchen and get myself something to eat as well. "I'm not fat, am I?" I put down the egg that was about to touch my lips.

"Okay first of all," he starts, sliding off of his barstool, "those are not feminine jeans. Second, you have this." He double pats my butt before getting some water from the fridge. I roll my eyes, and pick the egg back up again.

Hoseok drops me off at work soon after, heading off to his own. Adjusting my work hat, I head in.

"Morning, Quinn," Mi Cha said with a yawn. Amber also waved.

"Morning electro lovers," I say, smiling. I clock in, pulling up my jeans since they were starting to fall again. "Is Suga in yet?"

"Who?" Amber asks.

"Sorry, I meant Yoongi." She shakes her head. I head over to the counter on my side of the store, where Won Jin was at the register, looking extremely bored. He was bent a little awkwardly to lean on his elbows, since he was so tall. "Bored?" I say, and he nods.

"The only thing they've been talking about are kpop," he says grumpily. I just laugh, fixing my jeans.

There aren't any customers so far, so we're just free to talk and diss each other across the store. It was already 9:00, though, and Suga still hadn't shown up for work.

But then the door opened, and in crashed Suga, his shirt a little wrinkled and his hat askew. "Sorry, sorry, I overslept," he said, jogging over to clock in.

Work was unnaturally slow today, only getting a couple customers. We let Suga handle them, though, since he was new. The entire time, I kept having to pull up my jeans, which was quite annoying.

"Why do you keep doing that? Do they not fit?" Mi Cha asked, noticing my habit. I had stepped onto the traitorous side, but only because that's where the water fountain was located. I nodded my head.

"They're not mine, their Hoseok's," I say, and Suga looks up from his phone.

"And you're wearing his clothes because..?" Amber asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I spent the night there last night, and I didn't have clean clothes." Mi Cha and Amber both smirked, wiggling their eyebrows and nudging each other. "Stop acting all perverted; literally nothing happened." I rolled my eyes, and they laughed.

"Would you ever, like, get back together with him?" Mi Cha asked. "I mean, did you see they way you two danced last night?" I purse my lips.

"I honestly don't know." And I didn't. I mean, it wasn't like that was the first time the thought had crossed my mind; it crossed my mind every single time I saw him. And every single time I never knew what I would do if he ever mentioned getting back together, because I just didn't know how it'd end.

I could feel Suga's gaze on me as I headed back over to my side of the store, pulling up my jeans as I did so.


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