one + reunion

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"Min Yoongi, I swear if you don't get up I will hit you with my rolling pin," Jin yells from downstairs, waking me from my slumber. "You know how Namjoon gets when we're late. He'll get all flustered and break everything, and you'll have to fix it later."

I groan, sitting up in bed. Swinging my legs over the side, I stretch before standing up. With some difficulty, I get dressed and head downstairs to an impatient Jin.

"Let's go," I yawn, putting on my snapback. Jin grabs the keys to the apartment from the counter, and we head out.

The sun was bright and blinding outside, causing me to squint. I follow Jin down the street, keeping my head down. It's only about a five minute walk to our studio, but the fact that I was tired made it seem even longer.

The rest are already there before us, stretching. Jin rushes in, apologizing. I walk in a little slower.

"You're late, Suga hyung," Rap Monster says to me. I just shrug, wiping my eyes. I hear him sigh, and we get started with practice.

Jin, J-Hope, Rap Monster, Jimin, V, Jungkook, and I. We all made a dance group called BTS. Posting our videos on YouTube and entering various contests, we had a quite a few fans.

But if I was going to be honest with you, I hated dancing. I only do it for my dongsaeng and hyung. They wanted me to do it, so I did it. Although music was more my thing.

"No, Jin hyung, you have to do it like this," J-Hope says, after we finish the first song. He repeats the last move for Jin, making sure he's watching. Jin repeats it back, and J-Hope lets it pass.

We run through about two more songs before they start to mess around. It's loud and chaotic, so I take a seat against the wall. I watch them run, hide, and yell all over the room. Sometimes I wondered how Rap Monster kept track of us all.

The door opened, and a girl walked in. The boys all halted their actions and set themselves up in "natural" positions. She sighed with frustration.

"Did you guys just get here?" she asks. Rap Monster clears his throat, but J-Hope speaks before he can.

"Kinda, yeah. Why?" She groans, shakes her head, and turns to leave. "Wait! Do you need to use this one or something?" J-Hope calls, trying to help.

"Uh, yeah. All of the other ones are taken, and don't seem like they're leaving anytime soon. But it's okay, I'll just wait."

She turns again, and then stops in her tracks. J-Hope also stares intently as she slowly turns around. "Don't I know you?" J-Hope asks, and she walks closer to him.

"Coffee Boy?" she says hesitantly.

"Shirt Girl?" he responds, and they both smile at each other.

"Those sound like the lamest superhero names ever," Jungkook comments, and they both start laughing.

"Oh, Hoseok, it's so good to see you again. How've you been?" The girl asks. They hug, and start a conversation, completely oblivious to the rest of us.

After an awkward minute, I clear my throat loudly.

"Who's this?" Jimin asks. J-Hope turns arounds and goes "oh yeah" as if he just remembered we were still there. I scoffed under my breath.

"Guys, this is Quinn noona," he says. She bows. "She's an old friend."

V comes back from his daydream. "A friend of J-Hope hyung?" He asks, and Quinn nods. He gets up, shakes her hands vigorously, bows, and shakes her hands again. "My name is Kim Taehyung, but call me V." She looks a little startled, but then smiles.

"It's nice to meet you, V." He smiles and sits down again, his mind wandering off to wherever V's mind wanders off to.

Rap Monster clears his throat and checks his watch. J-Hope looks over his shoulder at him and then back at Quinn. "I gotta get back to practice, but you should definitely stick around."

She smiles and ruffles his hair a little. "I was going to wait anyway." She then picks the farthest corner and takes a seat.

The six other members looked between each other, a bit confused. But we shake it off because the music starts, and we begin to dance.

Out of the corner of my eye, I keep Quinn in sight. She watches quietly and intently as we go through our routines. She fixes her backwards snapback quite a bit, and look as if she were studying us.

We ran through the rest of our songs non-stop, pausing a little to work on a few issues in between. There were a couple mistakes, but it wasn't anything we couldn't fix within one to two more practices.

"Good job guys," Rap Monster says, breathing a little heavily. We give each other tired high-fives, and Quinn claps from the corner.

She stands up and stretches her back, and J-Hope walks over to her. "You guys are great," she compliments. He smiles.

"You guys don't have to wait," J-Hope says, turning around. "We were going to hang out after."

"Were you guys going to get food?" Jimin asks.

"Probably, yeah."

"Then we'll wait." We all take a seat against the wall, draining our water bottles. J-Hope leaned against the wall in the spot next to me, and watched. Quinn tucked in her shirt to her sweats before doing these weird handstand pushups.

Her shirt, however, didn't stay in and started to slip downwards. Jimin's and Jin's hands flew in front of Jungkook's eyes.

J-Hope watched intently as she danced. Sometimes his mouth would tug into a small smile, or his head would nod slightly. I'll admit it; she was good.

Soon, she finished. It was a quick practice, only running through a few songs once. We all packed up our things, and headed out.

Truth be told, I was interested to see what there story would be. Maybe they'd underground danced together, or met through some wild adventure. I was curious.

But, curiosity killed the cat.

yay for new fanfics!
fun fact: i had this written until chapter 5 before i deleted it all.
and wattpad, for some reason, didn't save the ending to this?? so i wrote it again, but i like this one better.
please vote, comment, & tell me your thoughts. thank you!

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