five + park adventures

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Hoseok is finally able to drive me home after a lovely breakfast prepared by Jin. It was only Jin, Hoseok, and I though, because Suga was still sleeping.

Oh, Suga.

My mind went back to last night. We were having such a great conversation; and he is one of my favorite artists. But it kind of threw me off when he just interrupted me in the middle of my sentence. Was he even listening? Was I talking for too long about myself? And then when I said it was nice talking to him, he didn't even say it back.

"What are you thinking about? You're so quiet," Hoseok says, turning his head briefly towards me. I shake my head.

"It's nothing." I was probably just overreacting. Hoseok gives me another look, but I wave it off. "It's nothing, I swear." He shrugs.

"So what happened while I was knocked out?" he asks.

"Nothing, really. Everyone went home, and Jin went up into his room. So I just talked with Suga until-" I start to explain, but Hoseok cuts me off.

"So that's what you were thinking about," he exclaims. I give him a confused look. "Your tone dropped when you said Suga hyung's name. What happened?"

"I hate how you can read me so well," I groan, and he just smiles. But the smile drops again, and he faces me.

"But what happened?" There was a little bit of worry in his eyes. "Did he insult you? Was he rude to you? He can be that way som-"

"Hoseok, it was nothing. We had a nice conversation." He turns his eyes back to the road, but they kept glancing my way. "Stop looking at me like that, I'm fine."

He pulled into the parking lot to my apartment complex, and found a spot. He got out of the car, but locked the doors before I could. "Tell me what happened," Hoseok says, leaning against the window.

"Hoseok, please. Just let me out, it's literally nothing." He doesn't budge. For about three minutes, I try to persuade him but nothing works. I sigh. "We were just talking and I got interrupted, that's literally all. What I was talking about was boring, anyway." I shrug.

"What were you talking about?" Hoseok asks,
unlocking the car. I hurriedly get put before he changes his mind.

"Myself," I answer, shrugging again. He pulls me into an unexpected hug, and I hug back. "You're overreacting so much, you know that right?" I mumble into his shoulder.

"I do that because I care about you. You know that, right?" he responds, and I nod.


"Hey, I'm- whoa, what are you all dressed up for?" I ask, eyeing Nari's outfit. She was dressed in a tight black dress with killer red heels.

"I have a date," she says shortly, modeling in front of a mirror.

"It's eleven in the morning, and you're dressing like that for your date?" I ask incredulously. She heaves a big sigh and walks over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Honey, looking good is very important to me. I must prepare early." She talked slowly, as if talking to a small child. I resisted the urge to literally punch her in the face right then and there.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever." Heading into my room, I slide onto my swivel chair and pull out my phone. I had a texts from Hoseok.

touchy feely man: hi
touchy feely man: i'm really bored
touchy feely man: can you stand to see me again
touchy feely man: ha it doesn't matter i'm on my way

I rolled my eyes, but smiled a bit. How Hoseok could stand to see me so much, I did not know. But I appreciated it.

Hoseok arrived a few minutes later, not bothering to knock. He walked into my bedroom, but I was surprised when four other people walked in as well.

"Oh, hi?" I stated, more as a question, as Suga, Jimin, V, and Jungkook walked around my room. Suga made a beeline for my bed, crashing onto it. "Um.." I looked at Hoseok.

"Hope you don't mind. We were all bored." Hoseok takes a seat on my lap. I couldn't just kick them out, so I just shrugged.

"So.." Jimin broke the silence. "Should we go do something?"

So, we did. After a group vote (excluding Suga, since he'd fallen asleep on my bed), we all agreed upon going to the park, since it was the closest thing. At the park, everyone kind of split; Jimin dragging Jungkook off somewhere, V going off to play with some children, and Suga dragging far behind. I walked with Hoseok, until he went off to get some ice cream. I took a seat on a nearby bench.

"What's a lady like you doing all alone?" an unfamiliar voice asked, sliding onto the bench next to me. His arm laid on the back of the bench; not around me, but close enough.

"Actually, I'm waiting for someone," I reply, turing my head to the ice cream stand. But, of course, Hoseok wasn't in sight.

"Mm, I see." He chuckled, and slid a little closer. "Actually, I don't. There's no one, sweetheart. So you're single?" I was about protest, when another voice spoke up for me.

"She's not." It was.. Suga? "Sorry to keep you waiting, jagi."

"Ah, oppa! Where were you?" I kept the act going, walking over to his side.

"Who are you?" the guy asked, and Suga rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm her boyfriend. Now get lost." He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He also placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth, which caught me by surprise. We walked away, making sure he was out of sight before breaking apart.

"Thanks," I say, looking at him awkwardly. He shrugs, and Hoseok comes back with the ice cream. As thanks, I give Suga what would've been my cone, and force Hoseok to share with me.

It's fairly quiet between the three of us, the only sound being Hoseok and I fighting over the cone. Suga says nothing, licking his ice cream silently and staring down.

I thought back to a few minutes ago. It was kind of him; but I didn't expect it to happen. Especially not from him.

So why?

guys i've come to the conclusion that quinn = filler chapter. she's that boring.
but aw suga

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