six + disgusting

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If I was going to be honest, the only real reason why I did what I did today was for self redemption. So no, it was in fact not for Quinn's sake.

For some reason, I felt a little.. bad for ended our conversation a bit rudely. And it felt weird. So when the opportunity came, I took it. The kiss was purely for realism, although I got a little closer to lips than what I would've liked. And, really, it's not like I actually enjoyed calling her my girlfriend.

So after the whole incident, the weird feeling went away. Selfish? Maybe a bit, but at least I felt better.

"I get the cone since you ate like 98% of the actually ice cream," Quinn said, taking the cone from J-Hope's hand.

"Hey! The cone is the best part," he protested, reaching for it. "Noona, I wanted it."

"Deal with it." And she took a large bite out of it defiantly.

We ended up running into Jimin, Jungook, and V (who had made friends with the children in the park). After spotting us, they ran up to us.

"I'm hungry," Jungkook said, rubbing his stomach. V and Jimin agreed. "Hyung?" He looked at me.

"I don't have my wallet," I said. He looked at J-Hope, who shook his head, saying he spent the last bill he had with him one the ice cream.

"Noona?" Jungkook asked with a hopeful tone. "Pleeeeeaaaaaassse?" The other two maknaes joined in a chorus.

"You barely know me and you're begging for food," Quinn chuckled, taking out her wallet. "But fine. What's cheap and near?"


We found the closest place, and entered. It was one of those 'seat yourself' places, but the only good table was short one chair.

"Excuse me, but is anyone using this chair?" Quinn asked politely to the two men sitting at the adjacent table while the rest of us took seats. I notice they share a small glance before letting her have the chair.

We ordered our food, and waited. There was a light conversation amongst the six of us.

Until you know, Quinn's chair got pulled out from under her.

"Ugh! You disgusting little foreigner thief!" a woman shrieked in a shrill voice. I muffled a small chuckle; I mean, it was a little funny when she fell.

"I didn't steal your chair," Quinn said, groaning. She removed her hand from the back of her head, which had some blood on it. J-Hope helped her stand up, and held on to her. I'm surprised that literally no one was doing anything.

"Disgusting. Why are you even here?" The woman sneered. Quinn looked as if she was going to murder someone, but J-Hope held her back.

"Don't," he said quietly.


"I know." J-Hope and Quinn tried to share a seat, but it was too small. So she stood up.

"Noona, we don't have to eat here," Jungkook said, his voice small. She shook her head.

"No, I promised you." She took out her card and gave it to J-Hope. "Just put mine a takeout box, please. I'll wait outside. Hey can I see that?" She pointed to Jimin's glass, that was almost filled with his drink. He nodded, and she grabbed it, walking over to the other table.

"Hi, I'd like to apologize for earlier," she said with a sweet smile. The five of us watched, a little confused. "So, since I'm disgusting and all, I thought you might need a little help washing up?" And she poured Jimin's drink all over the woman before walking out.

There was a 'oooooh' around their table, and we laughed. Jimin was a bit sad about his drink though.

"That's my girl," J-Hope said, smiling.

We still ate, though. We weren't going to pass up the food. There was small conversation, none of use really talking much. As requested, we put Quinn's food in a box before we left. J-Hope paid with her card, and we met her outside.

Sitting on a bench, Quinn waited, her hand on the back of her head. J-Hope sat down next to her, pulling her hand away.

"Is your head okay?" he said gently. She shrugged. Looking away, I saw V staring at the box of food in his hand intently. I don't know why we entrusted V to hold the food, but we did.

We all headed back to Quinn's apartment, where J-Hope's car was. Jimin, Jungkook, V, and I all loaded into the car (me in the passenger seat, of course), while Quinn and J-Hope talked outside.

None of us could hear what they were saying, so we just watched. They talk for a little while before J-Hope pulls her into a hug. There was a slurping sound from the back, and I turned to see V eating a noodle.

"Don't eat it! Why do you still have her food?" His eyes went wide and he stopped mid-noodle, closing the lid slowly.

"They sure are taking a long time," I mutter. "Do you ever think that they're secretly dating behind our backs?" I wondered out loud. I watched as he kissed her forehead, rubbing her back soothingly.

"I think they're just close. It's cute," Jimin spoke up. "Why, hyung? Are you jealous?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, smirking. Jungkook and V 'ooooh'ed. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." They laughed in the back, nudging each other and pointing. J-Hope got back in the car with a sigh. V ran out and gave Quinn her food. Then, we left.

J-Hope dropped of the maknaes first, since they all lived together. He pulled up in front of my building, unlocking the doors. But I had a question.

"Would you ever get back together with Quinn?" I was curious. J-Hope looks at me, his expression dead serious.

"I would do it in a heartbeat if she wanted to."

suga u selfish bastard ugh i h8 u but i love u

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