thirteen + harmony

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After ten more dates, I finally got to courage to ask her to my girlfriend. It was actually date number seven (a random dance party at my place) when I realized I wanted to ask. She looked ridiculous, but I wanted to call that idiot mine.

"I have to ask you something," I said. The credits of the movie rolled on the screen of her laptop, and she turned to face me. "I know this isn't romantic or anything, but will you be my girlfriend?"

Quinn smiled, and then looked up abruptly, as if remembering something. "Give me one sec, okay?" She ran out of the room, leaving me utterly confused. Was that a no?

Thirty seconds later though, she returned. "What was that about?" I ask. She shakes her head, laughing a little.

"Just had to keep a promise." Quinn climbed back onto the bed, but straddled me this time. "But the answer is yes, of course."

I pulled her closer, and kissed her.

How do I describe being with Quinn? A bit spontaneous, you could say. And every date was like a mini adventure. This was probably the most active I've ever been in my life, but I honestly loved it.

She was like the sun, and I was the moon. I was yin, and she was yang. We worked harmoniously, and started opening up more to each other. It was as close to perfection as we could get. We practically were perfection.

That, however, lasted about a month or so.

I guess you could say things started going downhill when we debuted on YouTube, posting No More Dream.


"That's a wrap!" Quinn yelled, her voice echoing. The boys and I all cheer, pretty much exhausted. We had been working at this all day, trying to get it perfect. After about a week of filming, we were done.

For this video, we weren't treating it like a normal dance cover that we'd just film at the studio. For this, we were treating it like an actual music video; a dance one, of course, but it also included closeups and solos. Location wise, we discovered this really cool abandoned urban area that fit perfectly with the song. And Quinn, being the sweetheart she was, directed all of it for free (it was also for college credit).

"You guys were great!" Quinn exclaimed, hopping down from her chair. She gave us all high fives, because we were 'too sweaty to hug'. I also received a small kiss on the cheek. "Now go get changed, so we can celebrate."

The boys and I all walked away, but I noticed J-Hope staying behind. Being curious, I hid at the corner, listening.

"How is he treating you? Does he make you happy?" J-Hope asked, holding both of her hands. I could hear Quinn sigh a little. Uh oh, what did that mean?

"Yes, Hoseok, he makes me happy. He treats we well," Quinn said, and I let out a small sigh of relief. "I know you're just worried, but there's nothing to be worried about, honestly. Now go get changed, I'm hungry."

J-Hope sighed as well. "Alright." He turned to leave, and I ran over to where the other guys were. They were almost done getting dressed, chatting amongst themselves. Sooner than thought, though, J-Hope' walked over to us.

I started taking off the chains that I was wearing to make it look like I hadn't just been listening to his conversation with Quinn.

Maybe if I just look down and quietly dress, he won't say anything. It actually worked.

He kept staring at me, though, as if he wanted to say something, but didn't. Feeling uncomfortable, I tried to change as quickly as I could.

We all met Quinn back where we separated. Everything had been packed up, probably by the crew who had volunteered to help us. We all decided to go to the restaurant that we had our first lunch at.

"To Bangtan!" Rap Monster announced, and we all clinked our glasses together. The table was lively, conversation constant. Honestly, it had been a great night.

But after that, it was like our harmony just fell out of place. Like someone hit a sour note in the song of our relationship. It was off key, and out of tune.

It's not like we were fighting, or anything, (at least, not yet) it's just that we never had time for each other. At work, we'd try to be together but the store's been so damn busy lately. Right after work, I'd be in the recording studio, working with the guys. Quinn would probably have practice with Amber and Mi Cha. Sometimes, we'd all have practice on the same day, but Quinn always had her online classes after, since her break had ended.

"Hey, jagiya, do you want to watch a movie?" I ask, sitting next to her on the couch. I was over at her place tonight, because I missed her.

"Um.. I don't-- actually, yeah. Let's watch a movie." She closed her laptop, placing it on her coffee table with a sigh. "What do you want to watch?"

"I'll let you choose tonight, babe." I kissed her on the cheek. "Just no horror, okay? You know I'm a huge baby when it comes to those." She laughs softly, looking at me.

"Damn, that's exactly what I was going to choose." I roll my eyes and smile, pulling her onto my lap. Closing my eyes, I plant a soft, slow kiss on her lips.

Finally, some one-on-one time with my girlfriend. Damn, I loved saying that; I loved calling her mine. This moment, right now, is what I've been missing for weeks.

Quinn's phone rang, and we had to separate. "Hey, Mi Cha, what's up?" she said into the phone. Her smile fell soon after though. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Of course you can, where are you?"

There was a knock at the door, and Quinn quickly jumped up, running towards it. I groaned loudly; we couldn't get any time to ourselves, could we?

"Alright, well I'm gonna head out," I say, after Quinn got Mi Cha something to sleep in. She looked at me, confused.

"What? Why? I thought you were going to stay the night?"

"Nah, I'll see you at work, won't I?" I start to put on my shoes. "Besides, isn't she a more important than a little movie night?" Quinn looked a bit hurt, but I left anyway.

Oh yeah, our harmony was falling apart, alright. But maybe we were the ones playing all the wrong notes.


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