eight + old times

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When we got to the studio, the rest of Bangtan was already there. The five of us got out of the car, J-Hope and Quinn leading in the front, and I lingered in the very back.

"Hey, we should practice after both of our groups are done. Sound good?" J-Hope says, and Quinn nods with a smile. They split ways, Quinn, Mi Cha, and Amber heading into an opposite room. I followed J-Hope, and went into the other room.

The other boys were stretching, fooling around as well. "Are you guys ready?" J-Hope asked, taking off his jacket and starting to stretch.

"Hyung, what are you wearing?" Jimin asked, and I realized I was still wearing my hat and shirt from work.

"It's my uniform." Jimin looks surprised, but nods.

We start practice soon after, spending more time working on mistakes and solos. Out of the seven of us, Jimin, Jungkook, and J-Hope were the best dancers. But, J-Hope to me was the best, and he choreographed all of our dances.

"Leader, you're not moving your arms enough," J-Hope criticized. He stopped the music, and personally showed Rap Monster the correct way. "And try it with a slightly wider stance, it might help." Seeing Jin struggling, he went over and helped him as well.

"Jungkook, start the music," he said, and we got into formation again. The song was one of ours, called No More Dream. We were trying to put a choreography to it, and then post it on Youtube, as our first official original.

"Jimin, what are you doing? Stop pulling up your shir-- actually wait, no. That's a good idea." Jimin smirked.

We ran through some more songs that we were working on, songs that weren't ours. In my opinion, we were doing quite well. Sometimes we had bad practices, and sometimes they were good, like this one. Jin and Rap Monster were actually having very little problems.

"Alright, let's have a break," J-Hope says, and we all sigh with relief. I take a drink from a bottle of water that I found and sit down. J-Hope runs out the room, most likely to the one across the hall.

"Hey, Kookie. What do you call a cow without legs?" Jimin says. Jungkook turns his head to him and shrugs.

"Ground beef," he says, laughing. "Eh, eh?" Jimin nudges Jungkook, who only shakes his head. "C'mon, it was funny. Right guys?" We all shake our heads.

J-Hope comes back into the room, cracking his knuckles. "You guys ready to start again?" he asks, taking a sip of water. We all groan loudly. "I'm guessing you want to call it a day?" We nod.

It was already 5:30, which means we had been practicing for two hours straight. I was exhausted.

"Okay, then; practice is officially over for today." We all cheered from our spots on the floor, and J-Hope chuckled. Then, Quinn's head popped in the door. It kind of felt like déjà vu.

"Ready?" she asked, and J-Hope nodded. "Can we do it in here? We kinda got.. kicked out of our room." She laughs a little and he nods again. Along with Quinn, Mi Cha and Amber come in as well. The boys and I all scoot to the edge of the room, and they come and sit down next to us. Well me, actually.

"Hoseok-ah, do you remember Her?" Quinn asks, standing at the stereo. He smiles widely, looking up from his phone.

"Of course I do, that was always our favorite. Do you want to start with that as a warm up?" She nods and he runs to the center of the room, crouching down. Quinn starts the music, and they begin.

The song was Her by Block B, and throughout the song, they told a story. In the first part of the song, he boy (J-Hope) sees a girl, and finds her beautiful, falling in love. He tries to win her heart, but his efforts are in vain as she always protests against him, running away. So he sort of gives up. In the second park of the song, the girl (Quinn) realizes that she has fallen in love with him as well, but tries to deny it, ignoring her heart. But she gives in when the song slows down, and they dance together as a representation of their relationship.

It was very.. flirtatious. And a tad bit sexual, you could say.

In the end, J-Hope dips her and leans in, but covers their faces with her hat, as if he kissed her behind it. I wonder if they really did.

There was applause, and I joined it a little half heartedly because I was tired. Next to me, Mi Cha and Amber talked about "how good they were together" and if the other one "noticed the chemistry". I rolled my eyes.

At about 7:45, everyone had left except J-Hope, Quinn, Jin and I. They were still practicing, and the reason why Jin and I haven't left is because J-Hope was our ride. I mean, we could've walked, but neither of us felt like it.

"I don't like the way that looks," Quinn sighed, pausing the music. "It doesn't match well with the music." J-Hope nods, agreeing. They had gone over a bunch of old dances, and were now trying to choreograph a new one to the song Zero for Conduct by BASTARZ.

"Will we be leaving anytime soon?" I ask with a yawn. Jin was already starting to nod off.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry for keeping you waiting," Quinn apologizes, and turns to J-Hope. "Let's call it a night. We'll definitely be back at this soon, though." He nods, and downs the rest of his water.

"That was nice. Just like old times, right?" J-Hope said, and Quinn nodded with a smile.

We all board into J-Hope's car. Since Jin was older, I let him have the passenger seat of the car, so it was Quinn and I in the back.

Within the first three minutes of the car ride, Quinn had fallen asleep. Her head had fallen on to my shoulder, and I want to push her away.. but I don't. Looking down at her, I notice for the first time that Quinn's... kinda pretty. And.. I kind of have this urge to play with her hair?

"Are you getting out, or are you going to keep staring at her like that?" J-Hope's voice snaps me out of my trance, and I automatically unbuckled my seat belt. Getting out, I close the door a little more gently, and watch as they drive away. I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts from the car.

I mean, it's not like it'd ever happen.

i'm really bored so double update today woot
but i'd like to apologize in advance; the next chapter will be in quinn's point of view

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