sixteen + parents

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"Jagiya, your hair is tickling my face, this position is awkward, I'm hungry, and--"

"Shh, you complain too much," she said, placing her finger to my lips. "Just enjoy the alone time we're finally having." I smiled as she gave me a kiss. Quinn tied her hair back, and rolled over.

"Much better," I grinned. It actually was an awkward position before; it was a tangle of limbs, but not in the good way.

"Now, that should fix two of your endless needs. Er.. you're hungry; I could order something?" She sat up to leave, but I pulled her back again, gripping her hips.

"Actually," I say, rolling on top of her. "I'm more in the mood for dessert." My lips gently brushed against hers as I spoke.

"Ah, not yet babe. But that was good; I think that was your best pickup line yet." She smiled, kissing me again. I couldn't help but smile as well.

Neither of us were ready yet, actually; we hadn't even said the L word to each other yet, it definitely wasn't time. But hey, sometimes I couldn't help it.

It was quiet, neither of us saying anything as we lay under the night sky. She looked upwards, but my gaze was on her, watching the stars dance in her dark eyes. She was gorgeous, and I think, no I know that I lo--

"Hey Yoongi-ah," she said, breaking the comfortable silence. "I love you."

A rush of emotions passed over me, and I couldn't tell you exactly what I felt. Happy, adored, ecstatic, all of that. I could feel the smile spreading over my face, unashamed.

"Damn it, jagiya," I groaned, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck. "You beat me to it." She didn't say anything, but she didn't need to; I could feel her smiling as well. "Wait, so does this mean we can finally f--"

"Jesus Christ, Yoongi, stop being so horny! You just ruined the moment." I just laughed.


"Hey, you'll be fine. Don't worry." Quinn gave me a reassuring smile, squeezing my hand.

"Who said I was nervous?" I scoffed, and she laughed. Today, I was meeting Quinn's parents, and I was very nervous, but I didn't want to admit to that.

"Your hands are extremely clammy."

I groaned, and she laughed again, giving me a small kiss. I deepened it when she tried to pull away, giving a soft nibble to her bottom lip. She ran her hands through my hair, and I rested my hands on her hips.

"So are you two going to just keep making out or actually come in?" A voice interrupted, and we jumped apart.

My heart raced at the guy in the doorway looked between us, smirking.

"Oh, it's just you." Quinn rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of happiness in her eyes. I couldn't help but feel a tad bit jealous; who was he?

"Yah, that's no way to greet your oppa, now is it?" he said, opening his arms. Quinn laughed, and they hugged. Over her shoulder, he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Who are you?" he asked, his arm still around her. He was fairly tall, with an incredibly deep voice. Could they have possibly dated before?

"I'm Yoongi, and you?" I said, forcing a tight smile. Quinn let out a small chuckle.

"Yoongi-ah, this is my brother, Yongguk." She winked at me and smiled. "Is Natasha here?" He shook his head, saying how she was always busy.

I looked between the two of them, utterly confused. Brother? They looked absolutely nothing alike. Maybe she meant that he was like a brother to her?

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