two + storytelling

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Instead of taking any cars, we just walked down to the local restaurant that was just a block away. J-Hope and Quinn were in the back, trailing behind the other 6.

"Smile," Quinn says, and I take a quick glance back. They were taking a selca ((ugh i cringe every time i hear that)), and I just turn back around. Her phone goes off a couple times, and I can hear both of them laughing.

Entering the restaurant, we get a table. Filling into the seats, I'm in between Rap Monster and Quinn. We order our food before conversation starts.

"How did you two meet? I'm Jimin, by the way," he asks, looking up from his phone. I'm pretty sure we were all wondering the same thing.

"Well, it was about two years ago, right?" J-Hope nods his head. "It was in the morning, so I went to get some coffee. While I was walking into the shop, Hoseok was walking out and neither of us were paying too much attention, so we ran right into each other," she explains. "And his steaming hot coffee spilled all over my shirt."

"All over," J-Hope added. He put his hands on the front of her shirt and slid them downwards. Everyone's jaws fell a little, and I looked at Quinn for her reaction.

But she didn't even flinch. She just closed her eyes for a second, and took his hands and put them back in his lap. "Yes, thank you for the visual Hoseok." He just laughs.

"So then I was like 'Oh my God, I'm so sorry' and I bought her the drink she was going to get and a new shirt," J-Hope continues. "That's where the 'lame superhero names' come in." J-Hope looks at Jungkook, making him smile sheepishly.

"That's it? You guys seem awfully close for just spilling coffee on each other," Rap Monster comments. "I'm Rap Monster."

"Oh, sorry. That's not the end of the story," Quinn says. "After we got over the 'i'm so sorry' stage, we started talking and kind of just clicked. So we had a thing for about a month and a half before we--," she pauses to hold in laughter. "Before we broke up."

They both look at each other and start laughing. The rest of us look between each other.

"It was good that you broke up? You said you guys clicked?" He looked confused. "Jungkook."

"We both realized that the 'clicking' was just friendly," J-Hope answers, wiping away a tear from his laughter. "It was for the better."

"And you're laughing because..?" Jin asks. "I'm Jin," he smiles at Quinn, and she returns it.

"It happened in literally the best way," she answers. "We were in bed, it was pretty late. We were kissing, it was getting a little heated, but neither of us were really into it," she starts. "So he pulls away and goes, 'Little Hoseok isn't feeling it anymore' and tried to roll off, but ended up rolling off of the bed and onto the floor. Then when he tries to get up, he uses my chair to get support. But it's a swivel chair, so it just rolled away and he fell again. And then, from the floor, he goes 'Me trying to get up is like our relationship; it just isn't working.'"

J-Hope looks a little embarrassed, but laughs anyway. The guys chuckle at his stupidity, and I roll my eyes with a small smile.

"So that's how we broke up. We became best friends instead," Quinn smiles at him and he smiles back. "Although sometimes I think Hoseok still thinks we're dating, since he seems to think he still has the right to touch my boobs." J-Hope smiles innocently, and rests his head on hers.

The food arrives, and we all dig in. After skipping breakfast, this meal was very much cherished. The table is pretty quiet, everyone engrossed in their food. I glance over towards Quinn.

"Hoseok-ah, stop taking food from my plate, you know I hate that," Quinn says, blocking his chopsticks.

"You know that's why I do it, right?" He smiled brightly, and she rolled her eyes.

I watch them for a few more moments. If you just walked passed, or didn't know them at all, they came off as a couple. Not the typical couple you'd see in South Korea, but a couple nonetheless.

A phone goes off, and everyone checks their pockets. It ends up being Quinn. She checks the caller ID, apologizes, and gets out of her seat to take the call.

"So J-Hope hyung, if any of us wanted to say, date Quinn noona, you'd be okay with that, right?" Jungkook asks.

"Why are you asking?" J-Hope asks, and Jungkook shrugs. "I wouldn't let you, at least. You're too young."

"I'm 19!" he exclaims.

"And she's 23. Why do you think I call her noona?" Jungkook nods with realization and sighs. Jimin stares at him.

But she's none of our ideal types, I think to myself. I almost say it, but decide to keep my mouth shut. Quinn returns about a minute later, apologizing while sitting back down.

She fixes her snapback again and gives a small, short sigh. I glance at her before finishing off my food.

When the check comes, J-Hope and Quinn generously pay for the meal, even though we just invited ourselves.

Exiting the restaurant, the sun is brighter and more intense than before. We all walk back to the studio, where cars were waiting. Quinn and J-Hope trail in the back again, talking. I listen carefully, straining over the street noise.

"Do you think they liked me?" Quinn asks. Her tone seemed different from before. Less confident.

"Of course, noona," J-Hope reassures with a small chuckle. "Why wouldn't they? Oh." What happened?

"How do you know?" She asks.

"They're my hyungs and dongsaeng. I can tell. Plus, the fact that Jungkook asked me if it would be alright if he dated you gives me a sign. But he's 19, so I shut it down." I hear Quinn laugh, and J-Hope join in. "And I think Suga hyung may have taken a liking to you; he wouldn't stop staring at you during lunch." J-Hope lowers his voice, but I can still hear them. Just barely.

"He didn't introduce himself. He's the blonde one, a tad bit shorter than me." I resist the urge to turn around.

We make it back about a minute later, everyone heading their separate ways. And although she was J-Hope's friend, I felt like that wasn't the last time I would see Quinn.

And I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

wow boring chapter!
sorry about that, just wanted to get the backstory out of the way.

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