ten + chivalry

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Its been two months since I started working at Music Mania, and I actually like my job. Sure, I hated talking to customers and having to physically get up, but it was the people I work with who made it all better.

Won Jin, who looked like he could easily step on you, was actually quite shy and nice. Amber was down to earth, and funny. Mi Cha was very bubbly and the life of the party. And, you know, there was Quinn.

Work could not pass by any slower today. I constantly looked at the clock, and occasionally at the other side of the store.

Today was going to be the day, I was sure of

"Hey, Quinn," I said, walking over to the other side of the store. "Don't have J-Hope pick us up today. I want to show you something." She gives me a confused looks but then shrugs, pulling out her phone. I head back over to the other side of the store.

After that, work seems to slow down even more. Every second feels like five. But finally, the time to clock out arrived.

"So what did you want to show me?" Quinn asked as we left the store. She looked up from her phone and turned to face me.

"We became friends over my music, correct?" I say, and she nods. "And J-Hope said you were also interested in our music?" She nodded again. "Well, I wanted to show you where all the magic happens, and let you hear what we've got."

"I'm excited to hear." She smiled, and it made me smile, too.

We walked to the building that was located downtown, tens of people rushing past us by the second. Sidewalk traffic was extremely heavy today.

"Don't worry, we're almost-" I start, but when I turn my head, I see that Quinn is no longer at my side. "Quinn?" I stop walking, looking in all directions. Where did she go? I called out her name again, but only to receive strange looks from the people passing by.

"Sorry, I'm right here," Quinn said in my ear, making me jump a little. She laughed a little at my reaction.

"Don't disappear like that, you scared me," I say, frowning a little. I held my hand out, and she took it without hesitation.

We continued walking until we reached our destination. It was a very tall building, with a sleek design for the exterior and interior. At the receptionist's desk, I checked in and she waved us through. Using the elevator we headed up to the desired floor, and walked into the recording room that we used.

"How do you have access to all of this?" Quinn asked, looking around the room at everything. I noticed we were still holding hands, even though she could've let go a while ago. Maybe she didn't notice, but I did.

"Rap Monster's dad works here, so he lets us use this room," I explain, and she nods. "So what do you want to hear first?" I ask. We had taken seats in the two swivel chairs in front of the soundboard. "I've got songs from just me, from the rapper line, and from Bangtan as a whole."

"Let's start with the rapper line," she says, and I nod.

((head's up; none of these are in the order that relates to real life))

"Okay, this is called Cypher pt. 1," I say, ((it's actually part three y'all)) and press play. "We got our friend to do the chorus, by the way." She nods, and pulls her legs up into a criss-cross position.

As we listen, Quinn has a very serious expression on her face; no head bobbing or swaying to the beat. I can't tell if that's good or not. I also notice that she rests her thumb on her bottom lip, a habit that J-Hope also has.

"Is this Hoseok?" she asked when his part came up. I nodded, and she let out a small laugh, before her face rested again. I watch her eyebrows furrow, or she'd suck on her bottom lip.

"So.. what did you think?" I ask, a little nervous. She hadn't changed her expression, even after the song ended.

"I just have one question," she starts, folding her hands. "When do you breathe?" I laugh, and she joins in. "But honestly, that was great. You guys got bars."


I sighed in relief at her answer. "Good, I thought you didn't like it; you looked so serious why you were listening." I then proceeded to show her our Satoori rap. We then moved on to us as a whole, where I showed her No More Dream, Spine Breaker, Jump, and Rise of Bangtan.

"I honestly think you guys are going to go very far," Quinn comments, and I smile.

"Now, time for me," I say, and she rolls her eyes, smiling a little. I show her Swagger, Diss, and Dream Money. The entire time, I watch her reactions. They were always minimal; small nods or a little swaying.

But I wasn't her reaction that I was nervous for. Today, I was going to do it.

At the end of In the Mood for Love, I turn off the soundboard and turn to face Quinn. "So.. what'd you think?" I ask, folding my hands together.

"Suga, you're--"

"Call me Yoongi," I interrupt.

"Well, Yoongi, I think you're an incredible artist. You composed these, right?" I nod. "They're amazing. There are just the right amount of tracks, to where its not overbearing, and the beat is something you can easily jam to.. it's great." I smile, liking what I'm hearing.

Now was the time.

I pulled my chair closer to hers, until my knees touched the edge on her chair. She looked at me, confused. Well, there's no going back now.

"Maybe you'll like me as much as you like my music," I start, leaning forward. "Go on a date with me." Quinn is quiet, and I start to get a little nervous.

"Wow, chivalry is dead," she says, and my heart drops. Was she about to say no? Am about to lose all possible swag points by being rejected? I could feel my hands getting clammy, and I tap my foot a little.

But then she smiles. "Okay, Yoongi. Let's go on a date."

okay i thought that ending would turn out better but okay
anticipate CHAPTER 11
((sincerelytop knows whats up))

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