nineteen + birthday

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"God, I fucking want you so bad," she moaned into my ear, pressing her body against mine fully. A soft moan escaped my mouth as she palmed me through my jeans, but that moan soon became a sigh.

"I'm not.. I'm not feeling it today," mumbled, pushing her off of me. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing again.

"Aw, c'mon baby, please?" she pouted, coming onto me. I shook my head. "You say you don't want to but your dick tells me otherwise," she purred, giving my earlobe a soft nibble.

"Nari, I said no, okay?"

She sighed, flopping on her back. "You're still thinking about her, aren't you?"

"What do you think she's doing?" I asked, staring at the ceiling. I felt the bed move, probably Nari turning to face me.

"Fucking Hoseok? I don't know." I cringed at her words. I mean, she couldn't really be doing that, right?

It's been about two weeks since Quinn and I broke up. We had both decided that it was for the better that we split. In my sudden loneliness, I had befriended Nari, and we both found each other attractive. We'd hooked up a couple times, but it never felt like anything special.

"Does she still live here?" I asked, glancing at Nari. She nodded.

"Yeah, but she's not around too often." She shrugged, twisting a piece of hair around her finger. "Now are you sure you don't wanna have sex?"


"Hey Yoongi, sorry I missed your call, I got home from work pretty late. So what's up?" Her voice. I missed it.

Did I mention that Quinn quit her job at Music Mania? She did, so I didn't even get to see her. Word got out that the director of our music video was fresh out of college and looking. She was hired into this company real quick. I was proud.

"Um.. nothing much, really. I was just calling to see if you.. wanted to.. go out for lunch, or something?" I said hesitantly into the phone. "We haven't seen each other in a while, but it's okay if you don't want to." I rushed out the last part because I didn't want to make her feel guilty.

"No! Yoongi, I'd love to, it's just that I can't today. But I'll see you tomorrow, right? We could go out for some lunch then."

"Right," I said. Tomorrow; J-Hope's birthday. "Uh, yeah, we'll figure out something then."

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow. Byeee," she said, and hung up. A smile involuntarily grew onto my face. I was somewhat excited for tomorrow, and it wasn't for the cake.


"Happy birthday dear Hoseok, happy birthday to you!" we all sang, cheering as he blew out the candles. He smiled extremely wide, looking at all of us. Chatter arose as he cut the cake, passing pieces to all of us.

Slowly, I made my way over to Quinn, passing by V and Jin. "So.. what'd you get him?" I asked, noticing her lack of gift. Her eyes looked away from the birthday boy and to me.

"Hm? Oh, I already gave it to him," she responded with a small nod. I nodded awkwardly. "That sounded sexual, didn't it?" she laughed, and I nodded again with a small chuckle.

"That's not what I meant, though." She laughed a little again. "It's just that we do this thing where we spend an entire day together the day between our birthdays, so I gave him his present yesterday. That's why I could go to lunch."

"Wait, when's your birthday?" I asked, realizing I didn't know. I had never cared to ask, I guess.

"Two days ago," she shrugged. "I'm twenty-four, woot woot."

"How come you didn't call me or anything?" I asked, slightly hurt. Were the other guys there, and not me?

"I don't like to make big deals about my birthday." Quinn shrugged again, glancing at the birthday boy. "My family gets me gifts, but spending a day with Hoseok was enough."

I frowned a little. "Well.. now I feel bad." I thought for a moment. "How about we go out for that lunch now? As my birthday gift to you." I didn't wait for an answer, just took her hand and we left.


"Your brother really got you condoms?" I asked incredulously, putting another piece of sushi in my mouth.

"Yeah, seriously! I was just like really? when I opened it," Quinn laughed. "But along with that he gave me a gift card, so it was all okay." I laughed along with her, smiling at the girl across the table.

For lunch, we decided to go back to the place where we had our first day. Si Hwan wasn't our waiter this time, though, and I actually had my wallet. It had been nice so far, the conversation rarely breaking.

Our hands brushed when I reached for the soy sauce, but she didn't say anything. Did she not feel them? The sparks? I did. I still felt the small fireworks form her touch.

"I don't want to be a mood killer, but.." I started, putting down my chopsticks. She looked up from her plate, chewing her piece of sushi slower. "I want to talk about.. about us."

"What about us?" she asked, wiping her face with her napkin. I sighed, wondering if I should really continue.

"Quinn.. I miss you." I pursed my lips. "It's only been two weeks and I miss you so, so much. I want to try again, I want to try us again." She didn't say anything, just opened her mouth and closed it again. "My bed is a little less welcoming and all those movies we used to watch seem so much less enjoyable."


"I still love you," I pleaded.

She picked at the table cloth before answering. "Truth be told, I can't stop thinking about you."

"So is that a yes?" I raised an eyebrow at her, and she looked up at me.

"What do you think, babe?"

I smiled.

wow ok that kinda sucked?? but i really wanted to get a chapter out to you guys tonight because it's been 37194 years since i've updated this
also! this story is so near the end, guys, there's almost no plot line left for it. there might be a few chapters and then it'll be over so yeah. then i'll be putting most of my attention on disclosure and outcasts.

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