twelve + date night

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"So where are we going?" Quinn asked as we stepped off the porch. She put her hands into the pockets of her jeans. It was different seeing her in something other than sweatpants and her work uniform.. but I liked it.

I thought back to the terrifying conversation I had with J-Hope a few minutes ago. In the entire two years that I've known him, I can honestly say that I have never seen him that defensive over anything.

But in his words, he gave some good information.

No small children, lots of activities, food should be available at any time, animals are fine.. what fits in that description?

"Actually, I was going to let you choose," I say, playing it safe. I mean, wasn't that a gentleman thing to do? "Anything you wanted to do in particular?"

"Oh, um.." She looked up from the concrete, turing her gaze to the sky. She was quiet for a minute or so, thinking. "Oh, yeah! There's this new sushi place downtown that I've been meaning to check out. Does that sound okay?" She ended her sentence hesitantly.

"Yeah, sushi sounds good." I smile, and she returns it.

During the walk, we talk about random things; Mi Cha's new haircut, the weather, and a small petty argument over Converse. So far, I thought we were off to a good start.

"And if I remember correctly, this should be it," Quinn said, stopping in front of a building. I opened the door for her, and followed her inside.

The interior was decorated modernly, with a theme consisting of lime green, white, silver, and black. It had that new generation culinary vibe.

Quinn and I walked up to the front, requesting a table for two. Since there weren't many people in today, we were able to get a table rather quickly.

"Your waiter should be here shortly," the employee said, bowed, and walked away. I sat down, and so did Quinn. I was already on the second page of the menu before I realized.

"Oh, oops. Stand up again," I said, standing myself. Quinn looked at me, confused, before standing. Like a belated gentleman, I pulled out her chair for her. She laughed, sitting down.

"Thank you." Flashing her a smile, I sat down again as well.

Quietly, we both looked over the menu, deciding which rolls we would get. As we were looking, a man, which I assumed was our waiter, walked up to our table.

"Hello, my name is Si Hwan, and I will be your waiter for today."

Ugh, here we go.

Si Hwan was probably what girls would call attractive, I guess. He has a sort of lopsided smirk for a smile, his hair was styled, and he had nice skin. But he was alright to me. I don't know what Quinn thinks, though.

Was I prepared to defend my date? Yes, yes I was. It was about time that I get to use my cypher dissing skills on someone.

"What can I get you to drink, beautiful?" Si Hwan asked. I heard Quinn laugh softly, and I was about to spit something sarcastic.

But when I looked up, I saw that he was looking at me.

"O-oh, um," I stuttered, looking back down at my menu quickly. "I'll just take water?" He nods, biting his lip a little.

"I'll have water as well," Quinn said, a smirk on her face. Si Hwan nodded, winking at me before turning to leave.

"Oh God," I mumbled, putting my face into my hands. Quinn laughed, clapping her hands a little.

"You should've seen your face, Yoongi. Priceless." I looked at her from between my fingers, groaning in response. "He seems pretty nice though. Maybe I should befriend him so you two can become closer." Quinn wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I groaned louder.

"I'm your date, you're not supposed to be setting me up with other people!" I exclaimed, and she just laughed.

"I don't know, I can kinda see YooHwan happening." I rolled my eyes, but joined in laughing.

The flirty Si Hwan returned with our waters, and took our orders. He came back again rather quickly, setting the rolls in front of us.

"Enjoy your meal," he said, winking at me before walking away. Quinn and I both chucked before starting on our sushi.

We talked the entire time; sharing thoughts,
opinions, and stories. I noticed that she laughed a lot, and a smile was almost always present on her face. It was contagious, too; I found myself smiling throughout the dinner as well.

"Whatever, Jordans are still better than Converse," I state, wiping my mouth with my napkin. Quinn rolled her eyes, but smiled.

Si Hwan came back with our check. "Just pay whenever you're ready, sweet cakes. No hurry." I pat my pockets, searching for my wallet. My stomach dropped.

"Oh shit," I muttered, frantically patting at my pockets for the third time. Quinn looked up from her phone at me. "I don't have my wallet," I whispered across the table. Her eyes widened before she closed them, face-palming. "You don't have yours either, do you." She shook her head.

Well, we're screwed.

"I have an idea." Suddenly, Quinn's head popped back up. "It's obvious the waiter is attracted to you. Work a little of your magic, and see if you can get him to put our food on the house."

"You want me to provocatively persuade the waiter into giving us free food?" I ask incredulously.

"You got a better idea?" A smirk spreads across my face.

"Oh we are so going on a second date."

By the time Si Hwan comes back to our table, I've somewhat composed a story to tell him. He picks up the tab, but when he see's that it's empty, a confused look passes over his face. I motion for him to lean closer.

"Look, um, we've run into a.. situation, here. You see, my friend here literally just got dumped over text." I took a quick glance at Quinn. "And so, I wanted to be a good friend and pay for her meal but it seems like I've forgotten my wallet." I let out a small chuckle. "And I don't want to make her pay, because she's going through heartbreak and that would just be rude, you know what I mean? So I was wondering if we could.. work something out?" I licked my bottom lip slowly, biting it.

Si Hwan blinked, before his lopsided smirk came back. He gave Quinn a quick sympathetic look before jotting down something on our receipt, handing it to me.

"Is there something wrong?" Quinn said, 'noticing' Si Hwan at our table. Her tears looked quite realistic, actually; I would've actually thought something was wrong.

"No, hun. There's nothing wrong Have a good night, okay?" Si Hwan said, smiling at her with pity. He turned to me with a wink. "Food's on me, babe. Call me sometime." I smirked, and winked back.

After that, Quinn and I quickly exited the restaurant, almost running away from it. When we were finally at a safe distance, we slowed down.

"Well that was one hell of a first date," Quinn commented, panting a little. I smiled widely.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

so, as some of you know, school is starting really soon for me, so updates will be a hell of a lot slower, but i just wanted to get this chapter in before i had to go back
i'll try to update on like fridays/weekends, because those'll be the days i'm most available


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