eleven + hoseok

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I should've realized something was going on from that time in the car.

Actually, I should've realized from that very first lunch that we all went to.

But here I am, regretting every moment of ignorance that I've had since then.

I looked down at my phone, confused by the text message I'd just received. It was from Quinn, telling me that she and Suga didn't need a ride that afternoon.

"I wonder what they're doing," I mumble to myself, putting my phone back in my pocket. I continued my work, pouring the coffee into it's cup. I found it funny, and a bit ironic, that I worked at the same coffee shop that I met Quinn at.

Often, I saw it as a way of payment; bringing the best thing that ever happened to me into my life, in exchange for my services.

My shift ended a couple hours later, and it felt so odd not heading towards Quinn's work. Instead, I head home. An empty apartment greets me like always, but it felt strange on this Saturday afternoon. Usually, Quinn was with me, and we'd hang out or watch a movie. Not today, though.

My phone dinged, and I looked over at it. They were texts from Quinn.

my girl: omgomgomgomgo
my girl: get your skinny asian ass over here

I smiled, chuckling a little at the texts. Grabbing my keys (and my beanie), I get into my car and make my way over to Quinn's. I knew, from the way she worded it, that it was nothing serious; she would've called.

"What's Yoongi's favorite color?" was the first thing she said, dragging me into her room. There were clothes all over her bed, so I took a seat at her swivel chair.

"White. Why?" I asked, noticing that she called him Yoongi instead of her usual Suga.

"Yesterday he asked me out and I said yes and I'm kinda freaking out because I have no idea what to wear and he'll be here in an hour or so. So I need your help to help me choose an outfit," she explained, and my heart fell.

She called me over here.. to help her with her date with Suga?

"Oh.. okay, sure. Yeah." I put on my best fake smile as she showed me different options. "Were you like this for me?" I asked jokingly, but I was actually serious.

"Hoseok, it was way worse for you." That made a smile.

There was a knock on the door, interrupting the show that Quinn and I were currently watching on her laptop. Quinn gave out a small squeal. "Hoseok, you go answer the door and by me a little time while I go mentally prepare myself." And with that, she jumped off the couch and ran into her room.

"Oh, hi J-Hope. I'm here for--"

"Quinn, yeah I know. So you're taking her out on a date?" I ask, closing the door behind me so that we're both outside. I cross my arms.

"Yeah, I am." He eyes me. "Listen, I don't need your--"

"No, you listen to me," I snap, and he takes a small step back. "I don't think you understand what you're trying to do here, Min Yoongi. You're not just trying to go out with Quinn, you're trying to go out with my baby girl, my first love, my best friend, my everything. So you better treat her like a goddess, because that's all she deserves."

"How do I look?" Quinn asked, looking between me and the mirror. I looked up from my phone and nodded with a small smile.

"You look great." She looked at me, walking over.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asks, standing in front of me. I shake my head, but she hugs me anyway. "Is this about me going on a date with Yoongi? Because if it is, Hoseok, I want you to know that I'm not just going to forget about you, you know that right? You're Jung Hoseok; my ex boyfriend, my best friend, the person who I care for most in the world. I will never forget about you, okay? You have the most special place in my heart."

"Just promise me this; I get to touch your butt before you're no longer single." She nods and laughs, and I join in as well halfheartedly. My heart broke slowly, as I knew she was gradually slipping from my grasp.

"I don't know what you have planned for this date, but she likes amusement parks, fairs, anything where there's lots to do. She likes animals, real or stuffed, but thoroughly dislikes small children, so try to avoid things with a lot of families. She won't tell you, but she's one of the most insecure people you'll ever meet so compliment her. She also has a big appetite, so make sure she's never hungry. If she eats a lot around you, then you know she's comfortable being in your presence." Suga looked at me, his mouth slightly open. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I want to make it clear that I am not on board with this. I am not happy that this is happening, especially since I told you how I felt, and yet you're doing this now. But I'm not going to say anything if it makes Quinn happy." Opening the door, I ask/yell if she's ready, then close the door again. "She'll be out soon. And also, Yoongi, when Quinn walks away, she will never look back. I just want you to know that, so if-- actually, when you screw up, that will be it. And you'll have me to deal with."

And at the moment, the door opened and Quinn appeared, wearing the beanie I had brought over. It looked better on her than me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, are you ready?" She cracked her knuckles subconsciously, something she always did when she was nervous. Suga gave me a quick look before nodding, smiling at her.

"You- you look great," he said, and she smiled, thanking him.

"Alright, Hoseok, I'll see you later, okay?" She hugged me, and I hugged back, staring at Suga over the top of her head.

Then, they left.

"I love you, Hoseok. I hope you know that," Quinn said. She looked at me, but I already had my eyes on her. Not in the way I love you, I thought.

"I do know that. And I love you too." She smiled, resting her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head.

Breaking up with her was the worst thing I have ever done.

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