seventeen + forgetter

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((aggressively plays adore u in the background))

"Okay." She put her key into the lock, acting as if I hadn't even suggested breaking up. "Please explain to me why you feel this way."

"Everyone seems to think that it'd be better if you were with Hoseok instead of me. I'm sick and tired of it! I'm sick and tired to always being compared to someone younger that I am! I hate being called a shitty boyfriend, or that I don't treat you well enough. And then one day you're gonna listen to them and- and leave me." My voice cracked a bit at the end, but I didn't care.

"So you'll leave me first?" Quinn asked, heading into the kitchen. She opened it, taking out a bottle of water. I nodded. "To avoid unnecessary pain, right?" I nodded again.

"Why are you so calm about this?" I yelled as she sat on a barstool. "You don't care if-if I leave you?" All I could feel was hurt, hurt, and more hurt as she silently took a sip.

"Of course I care, Yoongi. I'm so calm about this because I know separation is what neither of us want, or need for that matter. I'm just waiting for you to think this all the way through."

"I just want things to go back to the way they were when we first started," I said. "I'm going back to my own tonight, will you be here?"

"Yeah." I left after that, walking alone back to my own apartment. I mumbled a greeting to Jin, making a beeline to my own room. The bed was welcoming, but felt bigger than usual.

I almost called her that night. Called her to come over and hold me. To kiss me and tell me how much I meant to her. But I didn't.


"You guys can go home or whatever, I'll start working on the choreography, and show it to you later." Quinn waved her hand at us. She looked tired.

"Where's Amber and Mi Cha?" Jungkook asked. She had walked in alone.

"This company wanted them to do this dance thing, I don't know. They didn't want me in it." She shrugged. "What song did you guys want to do?"

Jimin shook his head. "Nah, noona, you can do that another day. Today you should rest, because we will be partying all day tomorrow!" He did a little dance from his spot.

"Have you found your dress yet?" Jin asked, looking up from his phone. She nodded.

"Yeah, I've got the dress, and Nari said she's do my hair," Quinn explained. "But I don't have shoes." I had no idea what they were talking about, but I didn't want to admit my confusion to the whole.

"Then let's go!" V exclaimed. Everyone got up and started heading out, Quinn and I lagging behind. I turned to face her.

"So where are you guys going? Some kind of party?" I asked, a little angry. "Have you forgotten about the meeting B-Free? I'll need your support, and you'll be partying." She sighed, fixing her hat.

"Sorry." Quinn walked out of the room, leaving me there.


I didn't go with them. Instead, I went back to the apartment that I shared with Jin, pissed.

How could she just forget like that? This was seriously so important to me. Music was my life, and this could literally make or break my music career. I needed her there with me, telling me how there was nothing to worry about and she was sure he would love me. But no, she was going to be drinking and dancing, probably on some other men.

The thought sickened me. She still loved me, didn't she? I know we were kind of on and off, but she wouldn't do that to me, would she? I still loved her.

I constantly checked my phone for any calls, texts, anything. Nothing. Did they not even care enough? I don't care.

Eventually, I had fallen into a dreamless sleep, curled up in a ball in the center of my bed. The silence in the apartment was deafening.

"Yoongi! I'm home!" Jin announced, and I could hear the keys clattering against the counter. There were footsteps, and my door opened. "Hey, Yoongi-- oh, you're sleeping." The door closed again, and I could hear him head to his own room.

Sometimes, I regretting making people so scared to wake me. This was not one of those times.

Maybe she won't go, I thought to myself. Maybe she'll choose me.

Or, maybe she won't.

i still have a bit of writers block, so these chapters are a but forced and a lot shorter, sorry

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