seven + work

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"Hyung!" I called out to the apartment. "I'm going to an interview. I'll see you later." In a split second, Jin appeared in the doorway of his room.

"You? A job?" he asked, flabbergasted. I rolled my eyes at his reaction and nodded.

"Yeah. Let me go, you're making me less motivated." He nods, and heads back into his room. I hear him say "Finally" to himself, and I roll my eyes again. Closing the door behind me, I head to the music store that I had applied to.

The old Yoongi would've never even thought of applying for a job; too many new people to have to socialize with, plus actual work. But the old Yoongi also had Jin paying for everything he'd ever really need. That was no more, so a new Yoongi had to rise.

Rechecking the address, I walk into the store. It was pretty cool inside; instruments hanging, and equipment being displayed. The building was kind of split into two--traditional instruments on the left, and more modern electronic equipment on the right.

"Do you need help sir?" a voice asks. I flinch a little, snapping out of my trance.

"I'm here for an interview," I tell the employee. He nods, and tells me to follow him. We walk to the back of the shop, heading into an office that was fairly secluded.

"Ah, you must be.. Yoongi?" another man says as we walk in. He has to check a paper for my name. I nod, taking a seat in the chair placed in front of his desk. "Here for an interview to become an employee. So, son, how are your people skills?"

"They're pretty good," I lie. I hated talking to people that I didn't already know. But I need the money. Plus I read that I would get a discount on their products.

"I see." He continued to ask me questions related to me, and I gave them my best guess.. er answers. "Well, son, since we're a bit short on employees, you've got the job. I'll go get your work shirt and hat, and you can start today."

Wait, start today? Oh no, that wasn't going to work. I was planning on starting next week, so that I can mentally prepare myself for physical movement.

But the man, who I now assume was my new boss, gets up and returns with a folded shirt with a cap placed on top. He tells me to go change in the bathroom that's right behind me, and that he'd get another employee to show me the ropes.

The shirt was plain white, with the store's logo on the chest. The cap was the same, but black with a smaller logo on the bill.

There were voices outside, so I paused to listen.

"Hey new girl, there's a new employee that I need you to show around," the manager said. He wants a newbie to show a newbie around?

"Mr. Kwon, I've been working here for almost a year, I'm not the new girl anymore," she said with a chuckle. The voice sounded so familiar.. The manager let out a hearty laugh.

I took this moment to exit the bathroom, folding the shirt I had taken off. The manager looks up, and nods with a smile. "That's him, new girl." She looks up from her phone, and we're both surprised when we see each other.

"Suga? I didn't expect to see you here." It was Quinn. She worked here?

"Yeah, I can say the same about you," I respond. The corners of her lips turn down a little. I guess it came out ruder than I thought, but oh well.

"Follow me," she says, and walks out of the room. I follow, and she leads me back to the main store. "So I'm assuming you'll just be in this part of the store, helping customers find anything they might need. It's simple, really; if you see someone who looks confused, or wandering around, just ask if they need help." I nod, and she shows me around the store, where things are located.

It's a rather short tour, since the store wasn't too big. I somewhat paid attention to the information, knowing I'd just get the hang of it later.

"Let me introduce you to your new co-workers," Quinn says, leading me to another back room. Three people sat around what I assumed was the break room. "Yo! We have a new recruit." They look up from whatever they were doing and walk over.

"I'm Yoongi," I say, looking at each of their faces. There were two girls and a guy, who literally towered over us all.

"What side are you on?" one girl asks. Her hair was cut pretty short, and so was she. I was confused; what was she talking about?

"What?" I ask.

"Oh! Forgot to tell you," Quinn says, laughing a little. "What music do you prefer? Actual bands, or more modern, electronic music?" I shrug; I was really more into hip-hop and r&b, so I guess that counted as modern?

"Modern I guess?" I say, unsure. Quinn gasps.

"Traitor." She shakes her head, while the two girls rejoice.

"Yay!" the short one says, clapping. "A new team mate!" The taller one with blonde hair pats my head, and I resist the urge to smack her hand away.

"My name is Mi Cha," the shorter one says. "That's Amber." She pointed to the blonde next to her, who waved. "And that's Won Jin." She pointed to the human skyscraper. Mi Cha hooked arms with me, and dragged me off to the right side of the building, Amber following. I could also hear Quinn laughing in the background.


Work went by fairly slowly, and I didn't even know it was over until Quinn walked over and told me J-Hope was here to pick me up.

"Why?" I asked. She shouldered her bag.

"Hoseok called everyone in for a practice," she explains. Great. First work now practice. Can't I get some rest today? "Yo, electro lovers, let's go." Mi Cha and Amber came walking over.

"You're going as well?" I ask, confused. She nods, and gives me a look. Why was she going? It was probably because of J-Hope. Obviously.

But when J-Hope's car pulled up, Amber and Mi Cha got in as well. I was beyond confused at this point.

Quinn and I had to do rock, paper, scissors over the passenger seat, and I ended up winning. After everyone was ready, we headed off.

My mind wandered off to literally a few seconds ago. My hand and Quinn's hand touched when we both reached for the handle. In my fingertips, I felt a small, electric like shock.

Had she been rubbing her feet on carpet, or something?

hahahah u wish yoongi
but have i ever told y'all that you're the legitimate bombs like you guys are the best srsly
esPECIALLY YOU sincerelytop U DA BABE

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